

Why should we Indians be part of the BRICS?  Should we not pull out of this nonsense and start our own with the help of America?




Traiano Welcome

That would be the stupidest thing India could do.

Remember the case of Japan and the Plaza Accord?

See how the USA destroyed Germany’s gas infrastructure with the destruction of NS2?

Do you think America would hesitate one second if it felt India was eating into markets that America wanted a bigger chunk of?





It would burn India to the ground if there was money to be made.

Remember Bhopal? How many more Bhopals do you want, as Indians? Do you enjoy being gassed to death by Americans so much?

It already tried to steal India’s agricultural security through Monsanto by trying to enforce copyrights on Indian grains. Think that won’t happen again?




A smarter idea would be to pull out and start your own BRICS without America.

But then, who would you trade with under favourable terms?

That’s right! ….. The BRICS!







Christopher Lai

Hey, it’s a free world and India can do whatever they want. However, if you are mislead that the US will want to do anything with or for India, then you are gravely mistaken.





Leow Kam Soon

Yes! India should leave BRICS. What is the benefits if India still remain there, doing nothing but just to sabotage all the efforts by member countries?

India is not an asset but a liability as a member state. Just leave to remain independent of BRICS domain, like it has excluded itself from RCEP.






Bill Lewis

We need to think of what is best for India. Now, India is the #1 country in the world for population, #5 for economy, and #7 for land, and doesn’t list in the top ten for resources.


Currently, India should stay in BRICs for one reason: the Ukraine war. This allows India to get fossil fuels from Russia at a reduced cost, which benefits its economy. This won’t last. Though I’m from the US and for Ukraine, purchasing fuel from Russia by India and China is NOT hel Russia in the long run. It benefits the fossil fuel companies in Russia by kee employees working but with pay cuts, and that helps the local economies not collapse but doesn’t help the country since the companies are working at a loss. It is preventing the collapse of Russia, which would be bad for the world. Eventually, the prices will increase as these companies can’t afford to keep hemorrhaging money. When the war is over, Russia will be in great hurt, and it will take at least a generation to return. Being part of BRICs with them then will be a handicap for India.






I agree that India should be working on putting together its own economic union, mainly with the countries it does trade with, but skip the imperialistic nations of Russia and China. The US is India’s biggest trade partner. India should continue that trade, but the US shouldn’t be part of the union. India itself should be the dominant party to any union it creates.





Anna Broos

I sincerely hope that India chooses for its roots and helps to strengthen itself and the other Asian countries economically. And does not become dependent on the constantly war-seeking US.





Marcelo Besser

Indians are now being played the same siren song as Brexteers and Trumpsters before them.

The Indian who would entertain the notion that Anglo “partnership” would somehow equal sitting at the table… will incur in a grave misconception. Indians must stop to think about what BRICS actually means.



The British believed in develo modern infrastructure in their colonies to expedite economic output for their own benefit, and in a place without super-modern infrastructure such as trains and telegraphs, this could actually be a good thing. This is not reproduced by the US, the Americans just don′t do that. There is no case the US modernized the infrastructure of any place they obtained resources from. They don’t want formal colonies because they don’t want responsibilities. They want to just suck you dry, period. British Imperial overrule was like having a real job where you’re treated like dirt; American overrule is like working for a delivery app where you’re treated worse than dirt; BRICS is like joining a cooperative.


India for millennia was a, or several, sovereign powers. When colonized by Britain, this was like an adult being forced into being a legal minor again. India has a noble past that would suggest one would strive to reclaim sovereignty, more or less on principle.

Whereas BRICS can help take real nonaligned development to the Third World. BRICS’s role in the world is not to fight NATO or Anglos or anyone else (but must prepare for the cowardly attacks that will certainly come), but to build a multipolar world ruled by diplomacy.



Well, BRICS will enable a lot of countries to get this infrastructure, without being looted for it. Debt management issues will occasionally ensue and be solved - everything ambitious has teething problems - what matters is the presence or absence of an imperial mindset behind it.

Countries not having to pander to empires anymore to develop.

Including India.








BRICS includes China who covet your land, war mongering imbeciles Russia who invade and murder many nations, and South Africa who can't even keep their own lights on.

Choose your friends wisely.








India should return to the era where India became the shining Jewel in the Crown of the British Empire.

Now that the USA is courting India, it is time for India to install another colonial master in place of the British.

Yes, please leave the BRICS!








Raymond Hak

Absolutely, India should leave BRICS and return under the leadership of the west, just as the way it was under British rule. This kind of question does nothing but show the shortsightedness in India who cannot see BRICS as an opportunity to do away with European/Western imperialism, and take back their full sovereignty, be a leading member of a truly international community, not a group made by the west and that protects their interest, with their values and their world view which puts themselves at the center.

Yes, leave BRICS, ask for America's help, they'll be happy to take you in as junior assistant, and make India their new pawn. Please, take action.






Daniel Baldor

Pull out from BRICS and SCO and instead India should form its own alliance with smaller countries in Central Asia. Keep the US close for economical reasons, same with China, but don’t truly buddy up with neither China, Russia nor the US. Especially China; a “partner” that is constantly looking down at you is a partner not worth having.


Honestly, India has a population higher than China, is the cradle of many historically famous mathematicians, and is where the modern number system used around the world was created. India doesn’t deserve to be treated like an inferior partner.





Chia Hak Thye

India is like pesky crows. Yes, India must leave BRICS and SCO.

How can the two organisations accept India’s membership? India being a member of QUAD is already in conflict with BRICS and SCO. India is therefore effectively a spy for the US in BRICS and SCO.

If India does not leave BRICS and SCO voluntarily, then the two organisations must expel India.







Peter Kauffner

The old motivation for India’s alliance with Russia was access to Russian weapons. Better that than having the weapons shipped to Pakistan. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian military tech has been falling further and further behind that of the U.S. Do the Indians still want it? One thing for sure: Russia is not coming out of this war as an independent superpower.


The U.S. has great weapons. It’s Biden time, you know.

The Chinese talk about establishing the yuan as a reserve currency. This is pie-in-the-sky nonsense. Even if the idea is successful, it does nothing for India.






Swee Chen

The US is not interested in hel India, only using it.

One only has to understand history and US foreign policy since WW2 to know this.

If India is not a reliable partner, it might well find itself on the outside of any cooperative organisation it is currently a member of. There is responsibility and there is good faith required of nations that want to work together.







Tony Tan

That is true. India should be under the US wing and next to their British master. You will feel more at home.


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