
为什么华为Mate 60手机被称为“全球第一款连美国中情局也无法监控的手机”

Why is the Huawei Mate 60 phone called "the world's first phone that the CIA can't monitor"?

为什么华为Mate 60手机被称为“全球第一款连美国中情局也无法监控的手机”?




The recent Huawei Mate 60 smartphone was featured in an advertisement that claimed it is the "world's first phone that the CIA can't monitor." The implication here is that the Huawei Mate 60 smartphone uses advanced encryption technology and communication security measures that prevent outside parties, including the CIA, from intercepting or monitoring the user's data. The Mate 60 smartphone is built with a proprietary Huawei operating system, which some Chinese media outlets have suggested could further enhance the phone's privacy protections. Therefore, it is possible that the phone could have some unique features that help protect against digital monitoring.

最近的华为Mate 60智能手机在广告中称这是“全球第一款中情局无法监控的手机”,意思是华为Mate 60智能手机采用了先进的加密技术和通信安全措施,可以防止包括美国中情局在内的外国机构拦截或监控用户的数据。Mate 60智能手机采用的是华为专有的操作系统,中国媒体认为这进一步加强了手机的隐私保护。因此,这款手机可能有一些独特的功能可以防止数字监控。





I’m not sure if CIA can monitor or not.But I’m sure Chinese can!


Here is a patent that HUAWEI applied in 2017

As a normal citizen, i don't care CIA monitoring me and they won‘t monitoring me because I’m not valuable for them!







It’s BS, the CIA can monitor everything in the U.S. and probably most countries around the world.





Vincent Bellamy

Perhaps this model have safeguards built in but I highly doubt that the intelligence agencies can't break that model's software!





Tech Plus

Sure, I can help you with that.

The Huawei Mate 60 phone is not called "the world's first phone that the CIA can't monitor". That is a marketing gimmick. The CIA can monitor any phone that is connected to a cellular network, regardless of the make or model.

The Huawei Mate 60 does have some security features that make it more difficult for the CIA to monitor, such as end-to-end encryption and a hardened operating system. However, these features are not foolproof. The CIA has the resources and the expertise to break through any security measures, if they really want to.

The claim that the Huawei Mate 60 is "the world's first phone that the CIA can't monitor" is simply not true. It is a marketing ploy designed to make the phone more attractive to potential buyers.


华为Mate 60手机并没有被称为“全球第一款中情局无法监控的手机”。中情局可以监控任何连接到蜂窝网络的手机,无论是哪个品牌或何种型号。

华为Mate 60确实具备一些安全功能,比如端到端加密和加固的操作系统,让中情局较难监控。但这些功能也并非万无一失。如果中情局真的想,他们有足够的资源和专业知识来攻破任何安全措施。

华为Mate 60是“全球第一款中情局无法监控的手机”的说法根本不成立。这是一种营销策略,只是为了让潜在买家对手机更有兴趣。

Here are some of the security features of the Huawei Mate 60:

以下是华为Mate 60的一些安全功能:

End-to-end encryption: This means that all of the data that is sent and received on the phone is encrypted, so that only the sender and receiver can read it.

Hardened operating system: The operating system on the Huawei Mate 60 is designed to be more resistant to hacking and malware attacks.

Physical security features: The Huawei Mate 60 has a number of physical security features, such as a fingerprint sensor and a facial recognition scanner.


加固的操作系统:华为Mate 60的操作系统具有更强的抵御黑客和恶意软件攻击的能力。

物理安全特性:华为Mate 60具有指纹传感器和面部识别扫描仪等多种物理安全功能。

Ultimately, the security of the Huawei Mate 60 depends on how it is used. If the phone is used for sensitive communications, then it is important to take steps to protect the data, such as using end-to-end encryption and a strong password.

最后,华为Mate 60的安全性取决于用户如何使用它。如果用户使用手机进行敏感通信,那么采取措施端到端加密和强密码保护数据等手段,就十分重要。




Victoria J. Chin

I am not aware of any official claims or reports indicating that the Huawei Mate 60, or any other specific smartphone, is referred to as "the world's first phone that the CIA can't monitor." Such a statement would be highly speculative and should be taken with caution.

It's important to note that smartphone security and privacy are complex topics, and no smartphone can be considered entirely immune to monitoring or surveillance, especially by government agencies with advanced resources. Smartphone security relies on a combination of factors, including encryption, software updates, and user practices.

If you come across claims or statements like this, it's crucial to verify their authenticity and consider the source. Additionally, smartphone security is an evolving field, and new technologies and vulnerabilities emerge over time, so it's essential to stay informed about the latest developments in mobile device security.

我没听说有什么官方声明或报道证明华为Mate 60或其他智能手机被称为“全球第一款中情局无法监控的手机”。这种说法具有高度的推测性,大家不用太当真。






Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam

It's a marketing gimmick

CIA cannot monitor any phone randomly based on Chipset or IC

They have to TARGET a specific phone and for that they need a NUMBER

Once they get a NUMBER, they have enough equipment to gather any and all data on that number





There are nearly 6.5 Billion Smartphones in the world today

Every SINGLE ONE OF THEM uses US Technology

Imagine monitoring even 10% of that or 650 Million phones a day

The world's fastest computers cannot sort through that avalanche of data

The FBI requests for an average of 2400 Wiretaps a year in Federal Court and State Court (2377 in 2020)






It's peak was 8871 Wiretap requests in 2002 (Post 9/11)

Less than 9000 phones monitored by such a huge agency

Edward Snowden himself said Active Targets averaged 7000 People across the Globe monitored by the NSA and a further 40,000 Passive Targets

Compare 47,000 to 650 Million!!!





So the CIA can't monitor a single phone

And if the CIA has a Chinese Phone number, they can damn well monitor that phone through the NSA

Just like China can monitor a Verizon mobile phone in Lake Tahoe, Nevada if they have the number

Both Illegally of course








Yevgeniy Leto

This is all nonsense. Encryption is end to end. Nobody is going to bypass the internet via satellites. It is just too expensive.

Between Apple and Huawei, I trust Apple because Apple is far more independent from US gov than Huawei is from the Chinese gov.

Besides you are not important enough to worry about either gov.







Irfan Shaikh

The Huawei Mate 60 is not called the world's first phone that the CIA can't monitor. This is a marketing gimmick by Huawei. The CIA, like any intelligence agency, has the resources to monitor any phone they want, regardless of the brand or security features.

The Huawei Mate 60 does have some security features that make it more difficult to monitor, such as an encrypted bootloader and a security chip that can't be tampered with. However, these features are not foolproof and the CIA could still find ways to monitor the phone if they really wanted to.

The claim that the Huawei Mate 60 is "unmonitorable" is simply not true. It is a marketing ploy to make the phone seem more secure than it really is.

华为Mate 60并不是全球第一款中情局无法监控的手机。中情局和其他情报机构一样,拥有足够的资源来监控他们想要的任何手机,手机品牌和安全功能都不是问题。

华为Mate 60确实有一些安全功能加大了监控难度,比如加密的引导加载程序和无法篡改的安全芯片。但这些功能并不是万无一失的,中情局仍然可以找到监控手机的方法。

华为Mate 60“无法监控”的说法不正确。让手机看起来比实际上更安全。





He-he! Pure dumb marketing for unshaved masses.

Some time ago there was company selling heavilly encrypted phones and customized phones in Europe.

Apparently these were adopted as main communication tools in some really big drug dealing gangs. We are speaking _really_ big!!! It did not get long for the authorities to find a way to backdoor them. And hundreds of high-caliber drug gangsters were caged in Netherlands and Belgium. A major hit!!!



6 558 suspects arrested, including 197 High Value Targets

7 134 years of imprisonment of convicted criminals up to now

EUR 739.7 million in cash seized

EUR 154.1 million frozen in assets or bank accounts

30.5 million pills of chemical drugs seized

103.5 tonnes of cocaine seized

163.4 tonnes of cannabis seized

3.3 tonnes of heroin seized

971 vehicles seized

271 estates or homes seized

923 weapons seized, as well as 21 750 rounds of ammunition and 68 explosives

83 boats and 40 planes seized”

So no, nothing high-tech you don’t understand is secure. Whatever you think and do!











缴获923件武器、21 750发弹药和68枚炸药






Ujjal Ghosh

The Huawei Mate 60 phone is not called "the world's first phone that the CIA can't monitor."  there is no evidence to support it.

The CIA is a well-funded and sophisticated intelligence agency. They have the resources to monitor any phone. The Huawei Mate 60 is no exception.

There are a few reasons why might make this claim. First, they may be trying to appeal to customers who are concerned about privacy. Second, they may be trying to deflect criticism from the US government, which has accused Huawei of being a security risk.

华为Mate 60手机并没有被称为“全球第一款中情局无法监控的手机”。没有证据支持。

中央情报局是一个资金充足、技术先进的情报机构。他们有足够的资源来监控任何一部手机。华为Mate 60也不例外。


It is important to note that there is no such thing as a completely secure phone. Any phone that is connected to the internet can be monitored, if the government or other actors have the resources and the will to do so.

If you are concerned about your privacy, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself. First, you can use a secure operating system, such as GrapheneOS or LineageOS. Second, you can use a VPN to encrypt your traffic. Third, you can be careful about what information you share online.



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