

How do Chinese Malaysians hold a bigger share of the economy than ethnic Malays despite pro-Malay policies?




Eliyahu Ezra

It is a common misconception that Chinese Malaysians hold a bigger share of the economy than ethnic Malays in Malaysia. In reality, the distribution of wealth and economic opportunities in Malaysia is complex and influenced by a variety of factors, including historical and cultural factors, government policies, and individual choices and actions.

While there are policies in Malaysia that aim to promote economic opportunities for ethnic Malays, such as the New Economic Policy (NEP) introduced in the 1970s, the impact of these policies on the distribution of wealth and economic opportunities is a matter of ongoing debate.



In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of promoting a more inclusive and equitable economy in Malaysia, with efforts to address issues related to income inequality and promote greater economic participation and opportunities for all Malaysians, regardless of ethnicity.

It is also worth noting that Chinese Malaysians are not a monolithic group, and there is significant diversity within the community in terms of economic status, education, and other factors. Similarly, there are many successful Malay entrepreneurs and business owners in Malaysia who have benefited from government policies and other factors that have enabled their success.



Overall, the relationship between ethnicity, government policies, and economic opportunities in Malaysia is complex and multifaceted, and it is important to avoid oversimplifications or stereotypes when discussing these issues.





Edmund Ui-Hang Sim

A lot of the answers/responses that I have read so far mentioned the unrivalled diligence ingrained among the Chinese Malaysians and assumed that this attributed to the bigger share in the economy held by them. This perception has limited veracity and accuracy.

Firstly, the notion that economy in Malaysia is dominated by Malaysian Chinese is an argument of the past. Today’s Malaysia is a different world altogether. I think if we delve objectively and truthfully into the data we could be looking at comparable share in the economic pie among all the different major races.



Secondly, no doubt, Malaysian Chinese have been viewed as hardworking (and many of them truly are), but the socioeconomic scenarios of Malaysia today compels everyone and every race to be hardworking - with the exception of a privileged few. We have seen again and again that no matter how much affirmative actions and race-based policies are put in place, a majority of the targeted population does not consistently reap the benefits. Honestly, even with pro-Malay policies, Malays who do not work hard do not gain much from those policies. Hence, hardworking Malays is a fact now in Malaysia.


Lastly, Chinese (no matter whether Malaysian, Singaporean or elsewhere) are fixated with money and matters related to money. It’s perhaps in their DNA. Those who don’t have the love for money are considered the mutated few. A typical Chinese will only invest time, resources and energy into ventures or activities that can make more money. When I am with any of my Malaysian Chinese friends and relatives, all they talk about is investment schemes, stock markets and business opportunities. Naturally, this increased the perception that Malaysian Chinese are more economically dominant but it is only a perception. People seldom think or talk about the many failed business ventures and losses from investment activities among the Malaysian Chinese.


In summary, I do not subscribe to the narrative that Chinese Malaysian hold a bigger share of the economy than ethnic Malays. This situation may be true in the past but certainly not anymore now.





Jason Gates

There are many opinions and suggestions on this topic, I simply believe there is no one single reason for this, but rather a host of reaction to these pro-Malay policies that had caused the current situation. However the crux of the matter is that governmental intervention of any form in both the social and economic spheres generally do not get the targeted results, or that the side effects of said policies causes whatever results to be diminished and mitigated. It's not entirely right to say that the goverment is ineffective in enacting such policies, but the fact that they are trying to do something about it that makes it worse.


Case in point, when looking back at history, the Malays has settled in the Malay archipelago much earlier than the later Chinese settlers that were brought in by the then imperialist British goverment of Malaya as labourers for the tin mines, which has always been the narrative of school textbooks, however there is an undisclosed amount of Chinese immigrants that has left China with wealth to start new lives and businesses in Malaya. So in effect, what we have 3 to 4 generations ago was an influx of Chinese immigrants with wealth. This established an economic disparity among the Malays and Chinese early on.


As a comparison, looking at the history of the US, the earliest settlers were the British, namely Scots in particular, and in the 300 odd years of American history since, many other immigrant group has moved to the States. Broadly speaking, up until the recent influx of wealthy Chinese immigrants, most of these immigrant groups were not better off than the inhabitants of the States. Note that the US also has a similar pro-indigenous people economic policy to help close the gap on Native American wealth disparity with the broader US population, though it has to be said these policies are more recent advents. I couldn't find any conclusive evidence on when the original policies were 1st put into place.


With some basic history explained, we can conclude with some reservation that in Malaysia the wealth disparity of the Malays and Chinese were already in place, I would also skip past the colonial years as the effects of colonial policies only strengthened this disparity.

Going back to the US, one would assume that earlier immigrant groups would hold onto to much more the country's wealth as a result of being there first and having a longer timeline to acquire and store wealth, however current surveys and studies have found no strong links to prove that point, simply put just because your ancestors were in the US first did not mean that you would have more inherited wealth.



So in conclusion, though there are a myriad of other reasons as well, goverment economic policies targeted at wealth gaps along racial lines are ineffective no matter how long it has been in place, I would leave the arguments of why this is to others, but I would like to say generally speaking doing away with these types of economic policies might be a better option. As the oft miscredited quote “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”


My suggestion is to simply raise the entire economy as a whole, have real competition whilst at the same time closing the wealth gap as a whole, targeted policies might buy votes and hope, but its the tool of politicians not true economists. The rising tide raise all boats, there comes a point when you raise the economy enough that the poverty line is merely an arbitrary number and even the meanest and poorest of us could live with no concern for basic needs.





Tunku Awang

This is a fallacy. If you look at the big supermarket chains, fast food restaurants, energy industry etc. They are all controlled by upper class Malays. Yes, there are still many Malays who are poor or blue collar workers but that doesn't mean that the elite Malays do not control vast chunks of the economy. All listed companies must have at least 30% bumiputera ownership. So, who are these filthy rich Malays. In case you are not aware, the Malaysian government has announced that all freight forwarding companies in Malaysia must have at least 51% bumiputera ownership.





Nurhanisah Mahdan

Based on my observation, it's due to hard work and effort because they know they dont have it easy.

My boss is a Malaysian Chinese who comes to work on weekends. I know a Chinese uncle who works during Chinese New Year, every single year without fail. There are even Chinese shops or restaurants that are still open during festive seasons regardless of the amount of customers because one is always better than none. Businesses run like usual despite public holidays etc.



Policies wont necessarily help people. They are just tools to encourage, a step stone. Policies needs to be equipped with hard and diligent work, or it will fail in the middle of the way. Hence it's not really about policies, it's about the people themselves.


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