

Do you think China and the United States will be able to end this state of great power competition in 20 years?





Peter Kaye

They can do it right now, all the US has to do is change their attitude, in 20 years? Won’t be any different than now, unless they do, its all just one way traffic at the moment coming out of the US, the US politicians need a bogeyman and have decided China is it, get rid of that attitude and all will be fine, WE ALL KNOW CHINA IS NO THREAT TO ANYONE. Hopefully they can get some semblance of sanity soon, but don’t hold your breath. By the way, there is no competition, that’s the whole point, China is not competing with anyone all they are doing is develo a better life for their people, if the US sees it as a competition, not much China can do about it.








I guess there is one area you could call a competition, and that the military, China is building theirs as a defensive deterrent, and the US wants to stay ahead for their bullying power, why else would they have 800 bases around the world? For what reason?





China - World Leader.

Yes, China and the United States will be able to end such a great power game by the time when the GDP of China is more than double that of the US and China becomes a global technology leader. Even if China realizes the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in 2049 as planned, China's per capita income will still be far lower than that of the United States.


The world should worry not about a peacefully rising China, but about a declining and unstable America. The United States regards China as a competitor, not a strategic direction, but a loss of direction brought about by its sense of loss.





Elizabeth Wang

The competition is already set and done.

The recent tours of US diplomats across the world have been diplomatic disasters. The host countries expected some substance, but US diplomats kept reiterating the "China threat" in every other sentence.



I think the Director of Pan Africanism summarized the differences between the US and China beautifully: “U.S. vice president went to Zambia, landed on a Chinese-built airport, moved on a Chinese-built road, and spoke in a venue that is China's gift to Zambia and told Zambian people don't work with China.”

What does the United States even has to offer? More wars?



It turns out that most people simply want to live safely, own a decent car, and receive a decent salary to afford their daily expenses. Most countries outside of the "West" have integrated their economies with China because, surprisingly, China is often the only bidder. While the "West" is only capable of throwing verbal diarrhea, China has actually improved the livelihoods of many locals.

I used to believe that China had a bad reputation worldwide until I recently broke out of the English bubble. China is actually doing great in Latin America, Africa, Asean, and the Middle East.






David Curtis


Is the United States begng to lose its global power status to China?


Hello! This has been going on for many years. I had the honor of participating in a research trip to China about 20 years ago, just when they were starting to really get ramped up. I was amazed at the focus, the religious zeal that everyone applied to their work.




It was stunning, and when I returned to the USA I told everyone that the future wasn't going to play out the way they fantasized. Big changes were coming, China was planning on massive global expansion, and the entire country was working on this common goal.

Of course, I was 'making this up’, and ‘the USA is too strong', and 'God bless the USA’ and other bullshit. And here we are…



I've been pretty lucky, I've been able to travel to most continents over the years. Anyone who goes out there with their eyes open, will see what I've seen. Giant construction projects in the works, or being planned, just about everywhere, with help, planning and most importantly, money — from the Chinese.

These are projects that will directly benefit the people who live in these countries. The people, not the corporate shareholders who control the wealth in these disadvantaged countries. In return, China gets special treatment with ship, resources, trade, taxes.



They aren't really trying to subvert the local political or cultural situations, which is a thing that the USA just can't stop trying to do everywhere it goes. Regardless of what the idiots in the USA try to shout, China doesn't give a rat's ass about trying to make everyone a Christian, force them to have a fake de ocracy, and make sure the poor people stay that way.


The Chinese know that better living and working situations for the general population in these countries will only make them MORE welcome, when they propose the next big project. The average guy or girl gets a better job and better pay, and they aren't being told that they are inferior to their benefactors (USA?) and therefore they should shut the fuck up and work hard for pennies.

No, China had this figured out long ago. They get what benefits them out of the deal, and they see this as a long-term process, over many generations. They don't need to have instant results like Western investors are always worried about, the long game is their thing.



Yes, these countries will need to find a way to pay for these projects. However, I don't think the Chinese will use force, or embargoes, it t threats to get compensation for the work they are currently doing everywhere. They are much smarter than that, they are the big picture, and are willing to spend decades to have things work out to their advantage.

The USA has nothing to offer anyone, but they are good at threats, sabre rattling and puffed up posturing about how great they are. Very embarrassing to me, since I'm from there…






China - World Leader.

The earlier the USA realises that its post WW2 hegemonic ‘rules based’ (meaning US rules) order is outdated, faulty and no longer able to sustain US stability, finances and economic prosperity, the earlier the China US fights will end.

“Actually, the Americans are not thinking straight. China does not want to be the global hegemon, Han Chinese history and culture is not set up for China to be a global hegemon. Go look at Han Chinese maps, their territories and areas were small and localised. It was the Mongols and Machurians that expanded the Chinese map. Now that Han Chinese are back in charge, the focus will be trade and economy, not territorial expansion.

美国越早意识到二战后 “基于规则”的霸权秩序已经落伍过时、错漏百出、无力维持美国的稳定、金融和景气,中美战争就能越早结束。


In fact, the only core interest of China is to reunite all Chinese lands because the fear is a breakup and future civil wars. And USA should not damage itself trying to stop PRC and ROC reuniting as a plot to contain China. A strong reunited China even with a status quo Taiwan, will focus on the Chinese economy and trade. And as long as USA does not try to dominate China, it will not bother US world order at all.


USA needs deep reform and help to sort out its usd31.5trillion bills and endless deficits. Its interests is better served negotiating with China on a plan forward that keeps the US order without banging US and West’s head against a huge Chinese economy and 1.4billion market that is surging, and cannot be stopped without harm to USA and the West. That applies to banging its head against a 6000 nuke giant Russia too.





Joseph Boyle

Anyone who wants to think about “great power competition” will of course gravitate to the largest powers, unless forestalled by explicit alliance. The exstence of competition discussion does not indicate a particularly bad relationship.





Clifford Nelson

In 20 years with the way things are going, the US will be so far behind China economically, that no country that is not being America’s bitch will will give a damn about what the US wants. The US will much like Spain is now, pretty damn irrelevant.


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