

What will happen if the US defaults on its debt? Will the economy crash? Will the dollar finally collapse?




Aaron Brown

It depends how it happens.


The most likely default is a negotiated restructuring. The US will negotiate with large creditors and supranational organizations to reduce interest rates and extend maturities of its debt—possibly writing some off—in return for adopting rigorous fiscal and monetary reforms. While this would be chaotic in the short-term, I think it would be a medium and long-term positive for the economy and the world financial system. The changes have to occur sooner or later, and the sooner addressed the less the pain and confusion.


The worst form of default would be for the US to repay its debt in cash, more than doubling the money supply overnight, and destroying any vestige of trust in its discipline. This would cause a dollar collapse, taking with it not only government securities, but all private savings and securities denominated in dollars—including physical currency. It would take major financial institutions with it, and be a blow to the global economy. However it would not destroy any real assets and I think the global economy would recover fairly rapidly. Wi out all dollar debt would impoverish many individuals and bankrupt many institutions, but more people and businesses would benefit from extinguishing debt than would suffer, providing huge stimulation to speed the next up-cycle.





Jm Chow

If you owe money and if you can’t repay your debt, you go bankrupt. That’s all. For the US, the US economy will crash.

America owe Japan 1.2 trillions dollars, owe China about 900 billions dollars and owe other countries in total about 7.5 trillions dollars. The US government owe Americans and US institutions about 21 trillion dollars.



If the US defaults, then Japan, China, 10 other countries will NOT get repayment. Americans too will not get repayments. Too bad…for Japan, for China and for Americans.

Yes. it is likely that NO BODY will lend money to the US again. Then America will have to cut expenses…big time. Because of inflation (hyperinflation), printing US dollar become useless.



How to cut expenses.

The trillion dollar military expenses will have to go. Those expenses that can generate revenue will remain. Those workers doing administrative work will have to go. Doctors and nurses can continue to work. The lawmakers ( US congress) will have to be suspended…the police will keep their jobs. It is painful but it must be done.



It is likely the US economy will crash.

US economy had crashed many times before…in 1873, in 1882, in 1910, and the last one in 1929. The US went into a great depression which lasted for 43 months (almost 4 years). In every century, there are two economic crashes in the USA. One crash is overdue now.






Lucas Williams

The probability of a debt default in the U.S. is very low and basically unlikely to occur.

A US default on its debt could have serious negative consequences:



•Economic crisis and recession. A default would undermine faith in US Treasury securities and the dollar, damaging financial markets. Interest rates would rise sharply, credit markets could freeze up, and a severe recession would likely result. The effects on global markets and trade could also trigger a wider economic crisis.


•Dollar collapse. A default could accelerate a collapse in the dollar as the world's primary reserve currency. Central banks would likely diversify into other currencies and assets. The reduced demand for dollars and dollar-denominated debt could diminish the US's economic power and influence on the global stage.

• 美元地位崩盘。违约可能会加速美元作为世界主要储备货币的崩盘。各国央行可能会把投资分散于其他货币和资产上。对美元和以美元计价的债务的需求减少,可能会削弱美国的经济实力和美国在全球舞台上的影响力。

•Higher borrowing costs. The US government would face higher interest rates to attract investors in the future, raising the borrowing costs of the federal government and private sector alike. Mortgage rates, auto loan rates, and student loan rates would go up as a result.


•Damage to US credibility. The reputation and credibility of the US would suffer a serious blow, especially if additional defaults followed. The perception of the US as a stable, trustworthy hub for global trade, finance, and commerce could be permanently diminished. Allies and adversaries alike would question US leadership.


•Market chaos. US stock markets would drop sharply in response to a default as investor confidence collapsed. Corporate profits would slump, unemployment would rise quickly, and a recession could deepen into a full-blown financial crisis with lasting damage to household wealth and growth.


Despite these catastrophic risks, some economists argue that the long-term effects of a potential US default could be managed, and that the dollar's dominance gives the US more borrowing flexbility. But the risks far outweigh any rewards, and lawmakers should work to avoid even flirting with default. Making timely payments on its debt is absolutely critical for the US to maintain credibility, prosperity, and global power. Default should never be an option on the table.


So in summary, yes - a US debt default would likely be an economic crash and disaster scenario, with the potential for lasting damage to the role of the US on the global stage. The dollar could face an exstential crisis, and the world financial system might never be the same again. Default is not worth the immense risks. It must be avoided.






I’ve read that a default has happened a few times in the past, but the amount was a lot smaller (relatively speaking), and not as many government services and programs exsted at that time, not as many people reliant on government as we are now.

That’s the biggest question mark, the biggest worry on why a debt default is so serious in recent times.

Here is a very short video by Lisa Remillard who gives straight to the point answers on the consequences of debt default:



here’s a quick run down on worst case scenarios:


1.Salaries and benefits for federal employees, military, veterans and contractors will be significantly delayed or simply not paid.

2.Social security, Medicare, Medicaid payments stop or significantly delayed

3.Any type of tax refunds (that you haven’t gotten by now) may not go out.

4.Student loan benefits/grants don’t get paid





5.federal government facilities can’t stay open

6.Interest rates go up further

7.Costs of operations for small businesses, corporations and local state/county/city governments go up

8.credit card rates increase

9.mortgage rates increase

10.car loans rates increase







11.costs of import goods increase

12.retirement accounts tied to stock market will get significantly hit

13.If necessary, there might be a freeze on credit and loans

14.Value of the dollar drops down significantly

15.Due to dollars presence in world trade, despite all the de-dollarization going on, global markets will still get hit significantly.

11. 进口货物的成本增加

12. 与股市挂钩的退休账户严重缩水

13. 如果有必要,可能会冻结信贷和贷款

14. 美元的价值大幅下降

15. 鉴于美元在世界贸易中的地位,尽管现在已逐步去美元化,但全球市场仍将遭受重大打击。

16.Mild recession is best outcome if default happens

17.Absolute worst case is a recession lasting multiple quarters (or depression), and we’re looking at a lost generation type of scenario.

18.Nominal GDP drops significantly.

16. 如果债务违约真的发生,经济的缓慢衰退已经是最好的结果

17. 最最糟糕的情况是持续多个季度的经济衰退(或萧条),我们将重新进入失落的一代。

18. 名义GDP大幅下降。




Jack Smith

Basically the same thing when an individual defaults on a loan…except the impact is felt on a global scale. The biggest difference is countries around the world buy US treasuries because the US dollar is stable which in turn stabilizes their own currency. A default by the United States would turn that upside down and almost certainly trigger a far reaching global recession. The US would likely no longer be an economic and military super power.





Roger Clawson

If the U.S. defaults, there are economists that believe that the stock market could lose up to 45 percent of it's value. An estimate is that up to 8 million people could become unemployed. The dollar is already experiencing some blips in the world market. This is territory we have never been in before, and don't want to be now. It is imperative that our politicians jettison the rhetoric and raise the ceiling.





James Allen

These are reasonable outcomes. But we’ve been here before, and deal’s always get made, and everyone takes a sigh of relief, and we move on. Worse off for the experience for a year or two.



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