

If the US and Chinese economies are fully decoupled, and China will definitely abandon the use of the US dollar, what will be the impact of the U.S. dollar’s global reserve currency status?





Larry Paise

What does it mean, in your mind, to “fully decouple?”

Today, The US exports about $200B/year, and China exports nearly $600B back to the US.

Contracts with US companies are denominated in US dollars.

China’s estimated US portfolio (bonds, Treasury notes, Stocks, dollars, etc.) is between $3 and $3.5T.

So, I ask again, what does “fully decoupling” even look like?







据估计,中国在美国的投资(包含债券、国债、股票、美元等)规模已达3 - 3.5万亿美元。





Alex Rowan

You do realise that China holds $3 trillion of US Treasury debt? That the interest the US pays on all that debt is a major source of income for the chinese?

Abandoning the US dollar would be like voluntarily taking a 20% cut in GNP. Ain’t gonna happen.






Brett Kriger

If China abandons the use of the US dollar as a reserve currency, it would have a significant impact on the US dollar's global reserve currency status. The US dollar has been able to gain and maintain its special status because of the strength of the US economy. However, countries worldwide are drop the US dollar as a result of increasing instability of the US economy. China has been making concerted efforts to promote the use of its currency, the yuan, with the aim of establishing it as a major global currency in international trade.


It is important to note that there are several factors that determine a currency's status as a global reserve currency. These include economic stability, political stability, and liquidity. If China were to abandon the use of the US dollar as a reserve currency, it would likely lead to a decline in demand for US dollars and could potentially lead to a shift towards other currencies such as the euro or yen.





Alphons Ranner

China is not (!) intending to fully decouple from the US economy as that would imply a major loss of high-rated manufacturing imports and a loss of exporting Chinese goods.

As most Brics countries have experienced low output growth, with China providing some 80 % of output growth since 2003. and as moreover three of those countries are in fact stagnant commodity exporters, their economies will not be profiting very much from increased trade between themselves even if there will be new BRICS members added.



So though the reserve currency status of the dollar will be reduced, it will remain the country with the most traded currency in the world. One should keep in mind that all the countries of the industrialized world (like Japan, Australia, Canada, and the 44 countries of Europe) will still maintain trade and investment relations with the US. Moreover, these countries still will have enormous know-how.






The NumOneStunna

China doesn't have the competence or capacity to dethrone the dollar. More importantly, the trust. You'll see. The yuan? I think not lol.

This is just propaganda that went viral in the west. Only uneducated people who don't understand global finance worry about this. The chinese sets asides billions to pay off western media, youtube, etc to make this rubbish go viral. This is how the spends its money instead if putting it in citizens pockets.



China will use us dollars whether they want to or not. They'll cash what they can and not stockpile thier own trash money no one wants, but gold. They hold onto American bonds because they want to make money. Anyone can buy them. If you think the yen will be anything other than toilet paper outside of china then you clearly dont understand finance. Austrailia has a better chance than china.


Rest easy. It won't happen. Not by China at least. You can be 100% sure of that. It makes me laugh everytime I see questions like this. Lol. The US dollar is involved in 88% of global transactions.

It won't happen. Now you know. Don't worry. Besides even when countries trade in yuan they don't. It's quoted and valued off of the dollar. Lol.

If you don't understand don't worry. All you need to understand is it won't happen.







Gray Bryan

Who cares? The “global reserve currency status” is overrated anyway. It just means that US politicians can be less responsible than would otherwise be the case. With less “forced” demand for the dollar, it will be harder for the US to continue spending more than they take in.

It will mean that we have to pay more in interest rates to get anyone to take our debt and that means that it becomes more and more expensive to fund the interest on the debt.



The only sane response to that is to start spending less.

However, China isn’t going to “fully decouple” from the dollar. We still buy a lot from them and the dollar is still the strongest currency in the world. It’s OK for other currencies to step up a bit.






Lucas Williams

The US dollar is unlikely to be replaced as the top global reserve currency any time soon. No other currency, like the Euro or Chinese Yuan, is in a position to fill that role. And the geopolitical power of the US, the relative stability of the US economy and financial system still make the dollar attractive to global investors and central banks.

If the US and Chinese economies decouple and China abandons the US dollar, it could significantly impact the dollar's status as the global reserve currency:



• It would reduce global demand for US dollars. China holds over $1 trillion in US dollar reserves. If China reduces its dollar holdings, it could weaken the dollar.

• Other countries may follow China's lead. As China is the 2nd largest economy, its monetary policies influence global markets. If China diversifies from the dollar, other countries may do the same. This could further diminish the role of the dollar in global trade and finance.



• The US would lose economic leverage. Currently, the dollar's reserve status allows the US to impose sanctions on countries like Iran, Venezuela, etc. But if the dollar declines, the US loses that leverage on the global stage.

• US interest rates may rise. Currently, strong global demand for dollars keeps US interest rates low. But if that demand falls, interest rates would likely rise, increasing the US government's borrowing costs.



• Inflation may increase. A weaker dollar could drive up the prices of imported goods and commodities in the US. This could fuel higher inflation reducing Americans' purchasing power.

• The US economy may slow down. Higher interest rates and inflation, combined with a weaker dollar would likely dampen US economic growth over the long run. Slower growth means lower job and wage growth.



So, while decoupling with China could significantly impact the dollar, most economists think the dollar would remain the dominant global reserve currency for the foreseeable future, albeit weakened. The transition to a multi-currency system as a global reserve asset may take decades.





World Blockchain Institute

If the US and Chinese economies were fully decoupled and China were to abandon the use of the US dollar, it would likely have a significant impact on the US dollar's global reserve currency status.

The US dollar's status as the global reserve currency gives the United States significant economic and geopolitical advantages. It allows the US to borrow money at lower interest rates, as other countries hold US dollars as a store of value. It also gives the US greater influence over the global financial system.



If China were to abandon the use of the US dollar, other countries may follow suit, reducing the global demand for US dollars. This could lead to a decrease in the value of the US dollar and an increase in inflation. It could also make it more difficult and expensive for the US government to borrow money from foreign countries.


However, it's important to note that decoupling the US and Chinese economies completely is a difficult and complex process that would likely have significant economic and political repercussions for both countries and the global economy as a whole. It's also worth noting that the US dollar's reserve currency status has been challenged before and it has remained the dominant global currency.





Ali O. AlShamsi

You need to understand that both countries are entangled together and with the rest of the world thanks to international trades and investments and debts that are both involved in.

If one of them cracks or sinks, it will pull the other with it.



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