

UK calls Russia’s Foreign Policy an April Fool’s Day joke | India and China Friends under Russia?


Russia has identified India and China as its main allies on the world stage, according to a new foreign policy strategy adopted by President Vladimir Putin.

The new 42-page document singled out ties with China and India, stressing the importance of "the deepening of ties and coordination with friendly sovereign global centres of power and development located on the Eurasian continent."

According to the document, Russia will continue to build up a particularly privileged strategic partnership with India with a view to enhance and expand cooperation in all areas on a mutually beneficial basis and place special emphasis on increasing the volume of bilateral trade, strengthening investment and technological ties, and ensuring their resistance to destructive actions of unfriendly states and their alliances.







When creating a foreign policy document for Bharat, it is important to avoid revealing the next move to anyone. This means that the document should not declare countries as enemies/unfriendly, as it could create feelings of hatred in between the nations. Instead, focus on crafting a well-informed foreign policy that prioritizes the interests of Bharat  without unnecessarily antagonizing other nations.

Anyways, having a strong foreign policy that avoids unnecessary conflict is more beneficial than simply having access to more information.



Saanidhya Mishra

I believe India is doing fine without releasing any such document, because we are not taking any sides. So we can not afford to rank countries alliance and support.

India is better with a two line policy of - "aligning with India's needs and priorities, and supporting India's best interest."

It sums up pretty much whole foreign policy of our nation.



ninad hole

Always proud to be an Indian...




We don't want to waste time, money and most importantly paper by printing such documents because we've understood that there's no permanent friends or enemies but only national interests that keeps changing.



Mohit Sharma

Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else get your way



Harry Meghwal

India is the best de ocracy in the world

印度是世界上最好的民 主国家


Anmol Sharma

Having no document gives India many advantages and a mysterious element. So according to me its a very good thing that we keep our thoughts to ourselves and have no docs on foreign policy




In my opinion India should not release any foreign policy document as it always supports non alliance policy and tries maintain neutral stance on global issues.     Jai Hind Jai Bharat



Jyotika Sharma

"Most powerful countries will get their way by any means necessary" is one of the most accurate sentences said in history.



Babu Nayak

Should never be done in my opinion. Because we always chose the third way from independence to independence like in cold war neither Russia nor America were on our side officially. Jai Hind



Алексе́й Балабанов

Western hypocrisy is the biggest joke of April fool



Harsh Sain

The friendship between Russia and India is an example for the world.

We are proud of this friendship.

俄罗斯和印度之间的友谊为世界树立了榜样。 我们为这种友谊感到骄傲。


Jyotika Sharma

Perfect Example Of the Quote:

In Geopolitics , there are no permanent friends... only permanent interests




My view is that we shouldn’t let everybody know of what we are thinking about their respective countries.  It is like showing our cards to everyone even before we start playing. If at all we need to convey anything , it should be one to one communication. This leaves more room for diplomacy.



Super Stocks Funda

I don't think so that we have to upload list of who is our enemy or who is our friends but I think we have to upload our time tested partner list which other countries know that we Indian believe in "Forgive but don't forget". Thanks to Prashant sir



Art Interest

Words don't matter.. actions matters

-Abhijit Chavda

Therefore India does not need foreign policy document

说什么不重要,行动才重要。 因此,印度不需要外交政策文件


Jyotika Sharma

" If you want Complete peace in your backyard , you have to create chaos in someone else's "

The USA  has time and again proven this theory in the last century.

India has to use it in 21st Century to Survive




Arnav Carpenter

Only the ones who have deep understanding of geopolitics, know that the real policy is never published in the open.



Ashwani Gupta

Geopolitics is very dynamic in todays era it can not be predicted on some static facts or situation. Situations keep changing. So one should not publish any foreign policy document or strategy.



Soumyadip Chattopadhyay

India's foreign policy has always regarded the concept of neighbourhood as one of widening concentric circles, around a central axs of historical and cultural commonalities.

As many as 44 million people of Indian origin live and work abroad and constitute an important link with the mother country. An important role of India's foreign policy has been to ensure their welfare and wellbeing within the framework of the laws of the country where they live.



Rick & morty

India and Russia friendship never end



Mohd Haider Khan

Like you have always mentioned that there are no permanent friends or enemy in geopolitics only Permanent Interest, India has to balance the relation between Western Power & Russia in which it's doing really well.. we should abstain from releasing clear cut foreign policy as it will not be in the intrest of nation



Harish Dixt

Best April fool joke is 'USA is very concerned about Human rights'.

愚人节最好笑的笑话是“美国非常关心人 权”。


Vaishnavi Gupta

India never used the word alliance just to make sure that it is not the country or the state but our own interest. Today though we have an amazing relationship with Russia as well as USA but we stood a step back in giving our reviews on the Ukraine-Russia conflict. We even took a safe side by not calling it a war. We should not only try to come in a good relation with others but side by side also take care of our own interests. After all foreign policy is a game changer in geopolitics. So in my opinion it's not a good idea to share it with the whole world.



Nishwal Soni

As Dr. S Jaishankar has stated many times that "Allies and partners are western terminologies we don't use that words". Considering that we should not publish a document that might damage our relationship with Russia or western countries. We should work accordingly to our personal interests.



amit Jaswal

The thing is does India really need to publish such documents just because others do?

I think India's actions speak louder than words and as Prashant Sir always say there are no permanent friends or enemies in geopolitics.. so why do we need to publish our international relations on paper..?




ingu the Penguin

I think maintaining secrecy is essential for a country like India which cant openly pick side A or B.



Kshitij Bachhav

Personally i think that India has quite a complex geopolitical stance.

We are the country to have good relations with both Israel and the Arab countries, both Russia and the west so releasing a paper on our foreign policy wont be a good idea since it will things concrete and India will have limited options for foreign policy.




Yash Rao

It is good that India has never released its own foreign document, so that even the world would fail to predict who is India's strategic partner and who is our enemy



Madhumoy Mondal

No....This is not the perfect time to release this kind of document by the India.



Shubham Sharma

India has released a number of foreign policy documents in the past, including its first-ever comprehensive foreign policy document, "India's Foreign Policy: Challenges and Opportunities," in 2015. The document set out India's strategic priorities and its vision of the world order.

However, whether India should release a new foreign policy document would depend on a variety of factors, including its current foreign policy objectives, its relations with other countries, and the perceived benefits of such a document. India may also choose to update its exsting foreign policy documents to reflect its evolving priorities and strategic outlook.



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