

How 5G & AI Technology are Transforming the Mining Industry


See how Huawei 5G and AI are transforming the mining industry with their digital transformation solutions, making mining safer, greener and more efficient.


this video is about a technology and specifically how 5G and AI are hel the mining industry become safer more efficient and greener so underground mining generally is a very complex and dangerous operation and each year there are numerous accidents and fatalities in mines all around the world for example from 2010 to 2018 there were 53 accidents resulted in 312 fatalities in Pakistan mines alone and in that same period there were 171 fatalities in mines in the USA now although the world is transitioning to more and more green energy there is still going to be a requirement for coal for some considerable time into the future




many modern coal mines do in fact have mechanized operations at the coal phase mechanized mining however there are many problems with these systems because these systems generally rely on cables and cameras and because there's a lot of moving Machinery within a mine especially at the operational face many of these cables and fiber optic links get severed which results in the control room not being able to see the operations from the cameras that are actually taking place at the coal phase and this means that mining operations have to be restricted or even stopped while repairs are made to these cables other issues that this brings are that because these cameras rely on cables at the operations center The Operators can only see single feeds from single cameras and this makes it very difficult for them to see the operations across the whole of the cold face at one time one other aspect of coal mining is tunneling and this is the most complex and dangerous operation in mining and it actually accounts for 40 percent of all coal mining accidents an operational safety for tunneling relies on manual supervision which is actually quite inefficient and over 50 percent of all tunneling accidents are caused by manual error so that gives you a bit of an overview of some of the problem coal mining companies face in the safety of their Workforce



so how can this be improved how can these companies make it safer and have less people working underground well the answer lies with AI and 5G technology and Huawei have a whole solution for mining companies and I'm going to tell you a little bit about that now 5G networks can deliver ultra high bandwidth and also have much faster upload download link speeds and this enables the systems to be able to deliver high definition backhaul video from hundreds if not thousands of cameras simultaneously reaching speeds of more than one gigabits per second these videos are then fed back into an AI algorithm which stitches them all together into a panoramic view this view is also very clear due to the dust removing algorithm what you have to appreciate is these cameras are in very dirty Dusty environments but the AI algorithm cleans all this dust out so the operators on the surface are seeing a very very clear picture of what's going on on the coal face right across the entire coal phase up to a 20 meter radius and that is absolutely a massive sort of jump in um their experience of what they previously had additionally

5G networks deliver low latency which is ideal for the remote control of Machinery previous generations of communication had a latency that made it not possible for these remote operations to be done in real time but now due to the low latency of 5G The Operators on the service can operate the Machinery by remote control and this brings a massive benefit in that many of these workers previously had to work in very dirty and dangerous conditions underground but that is not the case anymore they can sit in a nice air-conditioned office and control the Machinery The Cutting Machinery on the mine face from the comfort of their desk and together with the um technology of the clear image from the cameras which I've just spoke about this makes the mining operations much safer and much more efficient additionally 5G and AI can monitor the mining tunneling process which as I mentioned earlier is one of the most complex and dangerous parts of mining now unlike a human Ai and the camera feeds can monitor thousands of operations a second and from that if it sees any things that happening correctly it can produce real-time alarms as well as making adjustments to the tunneling process







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be really cool if 5G or a faster, lower latency internet connection could allow surgeons to operate remotely on patients using robotic arms



There already are such systems.



Brick Life

Great that 5G & AI is improving mining operations




Greetings from Mexco , I'm happy you have recovered



Araf's Adventures

Love anything Huawei




Very interesting, as someone who has lost friends who worked in our local coal mines, anything which can make the working conditions safer is a step forward. Thank you for your research and this video. Cheers from Australia.




The number of miners required will be reduced. Need to create new type of jobs for mining communities.



Alan Tan

To those countries that operate mining without these 5G facilities, it is unthinkable that you're endangering your workers without 5G & AI



Robert A

I don't understand why underground coal mines still exst. Certainly open cut can reduce the loss of life that occurs. Of course there are also future problems with underground coal mines, after shutting, as well down.



Felix Luk

Stripe mining is extremely destructive to the environment. Furthermore, stripe mining is only used only when a mine is close to the surface.



cathy lee

This high tech will reduce the mining accidents



Holy Butterfly

In Australia we have health care card for free to see a doctor but how about in China ?



Winter Sweet

Support Huawei.



Kenny Lam

Because this is Huawei technology, mines in 5 eyes countries will not use it. Security risks, they say



xangbo wang




Gendi Abdi

Salaams from E Africa! Wish U and Ollie well! Take care... Mohamed A Hussein




"Trust because you are willing to accept the risk, not because it's safe or certain." -Anonymous



Chris Koay

US gonna start copying this.



Zhuge Liang

Huawei should hire you as the PR man. I’ll have a word with them




I can already see Huawei in the forefront of space mining.



Qu S.

Why is this AI? What is the distinction?




Huawei's 5G can save lives by reducing the need for miners to go underground. That's high value proposition.




Very interesting and informative. But how is it Green?



Peace Hippie Trollster

The less miners the better. Less accidents




Get real. There will always be mining.


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