

Why does China think Genghis Khan is Chinese, when the world knows he is Mongolian? Is that part of the “North East project of China” basically stealing and changing Mongolian/Korean history to Chinese?




Profile photo for Khengchat Ng

I am not sure that even if you hand GK’s Chinese ancestry to China on a platter, it will accept. Heck, he is Mongolian. The Mongolians have named their international airport after him. Every steppe marmot and his uncle knows GK was Mongolian. His Y chromosome is found in 30 percent of all male Mongolians. He will pronounce the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator as “ You know better ( than that ) ”

我也不知道,就算你把成吉思汗的中国血统拱手让给中国,中国会不会接受。见鬼了,成吉思汗就是蒙古人。蒙古人以他的名字命名了他们的国际机场。每只草原土拨鼠和他叔叔都知道成吉思汗是蒙古人。30%的蒙古男性都携带成吉思汗的Y染色体。他还会把蒙古首都乌兰巴托念成“You know better”。



Peng Wang

This is a very interesting question. I have to admit that many Chinese people think that Temuin is Chinese, including me when I was young.

There are many reasons. In modern times, Mongolia was a part of China for many years until it became independent with the support of the Soviet Union during World War II. Currently, more than 60% of Mongolians live in Inner Mongolia, China.



From ancient times, Temuin's grandson took the initiative to sinicize in order to conquer China, established the Yuan Dynasty of China, and became the emperor of China. At the same time, Temuin's grandson, that is, Kublai Khan, after becoming the emperor of China, according to the tradition of the Central Empire, posthumously named his ancestors as emperors of China, including Temuin and Temuin's father and son.


According to the tradition and legal system of the Central Empire, this kind of posthumous title is legal and recognized. Therefore, Temuin became the emperor of China many years after his death. As a result, when Temuin was mentioned later, he was one of the emperors of China. Over time, the Chinese gradually thought that Temuin was Chinese.

With the rise of nationalism, some Chinese even began to think that Kublai Khan was not Chinese, so now, people with modern education basically do not think that Temuin is Chinese.









Genetic history of East Asians:

The main paternal haplogroups of modern Yamato Japanese are

1,Haplogroup D-M55 (today ~33%)

2,Haplogroup O-M176 (O1b2) (today ~32%)

3,Haplogroup O-M122 (O2, formerly O3) (today ~20%)

4,Haplogroup C-M217 (C2, today ~6%)

5,Haplogroup C-M8 (C1a1, today ~6%)

6,Haplogroups N-M231, O-M119, O-K18, and Q-M242 also have been observed with low frequency among present-day Japanese.




2、单倍群O-M176 (O1b2)(现今约32%)

3、单倍群O-M122 (O2,原O3)(现今约20%)

4、单倍群C-M217 (C2,现今约6%)

5、单倍群C-M8 (C1a1,现今约6%)


The most common Y-DNA haplogroup among present-day Koreans is

1,Haplogroup O-M122 (O2, formerly O3) has been found in approxmately 41% of sampled Korean males

2,Haplogroup O-M176 (O1b2) has been found in approxmately 31% of sampled Korean males

3,Korean males also exhibit a moderate frequency (approxmately 15%) of Haplogroup C-M217.

4,About 2% of Korean males belong to Haplogroup D-M174

5,Other haplogroups that have been found less commonly in samples of Korean males are Y-DNA haplogroup N-M231 (approx. 4%), haplogroup O-M119 (approx. 3%), haplogroup O-M268(xM176) (approx. 2%), haplogroup Q-M242 and Haplogroup R1 (approx. 2% total)


1、约41%的韩国男性样本中发现单倍群O-M122 (O2,原O3)





In term of paternal lineage, most Siberians have high frequencies of haplogroups N+R1a, and then C+Q


Therefore, Koreans+Janpanese tend to have the closest genetic affinity with Han Chinese,Tiban,Mongolians, Manch.....


N1a+R1a:Khakas, Chukchi people, Tuvans, Yakuts, Tatars,Dolgans,Nenets people,Nganasans


N1a+QR1a:Khanty and Mansi,Pannonian Avars,Ural people


N + C

1,Northern Tungusic:Evenks,Evens,Oroqen

2,Mongolic languages:Buryats,mongolian,Kalmyks

3,Paleo-Siberian:Chukchi people

4,Turkic:Tuvans,Kazakh,Dolgans,Yukaghir people

1, 北通古斯语族:鄂温克人、鄂文思人、鄂伦春人

2, 蒙古语族:布里亚特人、蒙古人、卡尔梅克人

3, 古西伯利亚语族:楚克其族人

4,  突厥语族:图瓦人,哈萨克人,多尔干人,尤卡吉尔人

Ydna C+O

1,Southern Tungusic:Manchu,ibe

2,Southern Mongolic

3,Northern Chinese, Korean, Tiban

Ydna C + O




The most common Y-DNA haplogroup among present-day Koreans is

31% O1b2,41% O2,15%C2,4%N1


31% O1b2,41% O2,15%C2,4%N1

The gene that arrived on the Korean Peninsula about 20,000 years ago was O1b2.


Sunda Shelf → South China


(During the most recent ice age,the world's sea level was about 130 m lower than today)→Korean Peninsula


As the Ice Age ended 10,000 years ago and the Neolithic Age began, sea levels rose due to the melting glacier and the Yellow Sea was created,


O1b2 stayed in the Korean Peninsula

O1b1 stayed in Southeast Asia



An point made by academic is that Y-Haplogroup C2 is original Haplogroup of Northeast Asia(Mongolia and Manchuria) which get replaced by Y-Haplogroup N1O2 from Southern China

有学者指出,Y-单倍群C2是原东北亚(蒙古和满洲的单倍群,后来被中国南方的Y -单倍群N1O2取代

Liaohe people /Dong yi people:N1O2C2


Modern Koreans are a mixture of Dong yi people(O2a+C2 ) and peninsula natives


O2a+C2 enter the Korean peninsula,where they assimilated the earlier inhabitants of the peninsula(O1b).


During the Yayoi period, haplogroup O1b2+O2a started to arrive and spreaded to every region of Japan.


Origin of Japanese: Jomon (D1a2+C1a1) + Korean peninsula /Yayoi (O2a+O1b2).

日本人的起源:绳纹(D1a2+C1a1) +朝鲜半岛/弥生(O2a+O1b2)。

The main paternal haplogroups of modern Mongolian are:


Haplogroup C2b2b1*-M401(xF5483) of the broader C-M48 subclade, which has been identified as a possible marker of the Manchu Aisin Gioro and has been found in ten different ethnic minorities in northern China, is only detected in Han Chinese populations from Gansu to Liaoning. Haplogroup C-M48 is detected in 33% of Han Chinese from Inner Mongolia)..


The modern Mongolian are related to the Manchus




Thomas Arch

China has never considered Genghis Khan as a Chinese. Quite the opposite, Genghis Khan, the founder of the ruthless Mongol empire, invaded both China and Eastern Europe.

Korea has a history and culture that is far from being as rich as those of Japan and China. It has been greatly influenced by China. What concerns do Koreans have about their history being appropriated? Worried about someone “stealing” Kimchi?





C. Z.

Don’t blame us, blame Kublai Khan, his grandson. We knew he wasn’t Chinese and he didn’t consider himself Chinese.

Kublai’s the one that wrote an edict decreeing his grandfather was a Chinese emperor, just like the other Chinese emperors before him. That was his basis for ruling China as her emperor.



Evidentially for Kublai, his ancestry and ethnicity wasn’t worth anything compared to being able to pacify China easier.

It’s really no skin off our back if Genghis Khan is Chinese or not. The Euros throw off the Mongol yoke centuries ago, so wit won’t even give us any additional territorial claims.






Western Decline

First, Genghis Khan was a Mongol.



Second, Genghis Khan has nothing to do with Koreans.

Third, there are 6 million Mongolians in China.




How can such a stupid question arise?

Genghis Khan is great, but China has many great emperors.

In the Genghis Khan TV series filmed in China, all the actors are Mongolian.

There are many great empires and emperors in China, we don't need to make Genghis Khan a Han nationality.








Jonathan Carlson

Who says that Genghis Khan was Chinese? Please provide a source for that claim.

His grandson Kublai Khan was ethnically Mongolian, but due to his adoption of many aspects of Chinese culture, he is considered to have been Sinicized - it’s one of the reasons why 1. he proclaimed the start of the Yuan dynasty and 2. the Mongolian Empire fractured.


成吉思汗的孙子忽必烈是蒙古人,但由于他接受了中国文化的方方面面,他已经汉化了——这就是为什么——1. 他宣布建立了元朝;2. 蒙古帝国分裂了。

After the founding of the Yuan dynasty, Kublai Khan posthumously proclaimed the previous Khans (including Genghis Khan) as members of the Yuan dynasty. This, however, doesn’t mean that they were Chinese (though, of course, they do have a place in Chinese history).


I see that you go on with your “question” by making a ridiculous claim of China “stealing and changing Mongolian/Korean history”. I took the time to look into the “North East project of China”, and, of course, your claims fall flat. The “Serial Research Project on the History and Current State of the Northeast Borderland” has more to do with inclusivity than anything else - acknowledging minority populations in China are people of China and have a cultural history.

我发现你很荒谬地称中国“窃取和改变蒙古/朝鲜历史”。我花了点时间调查了一下“中国东北工程”。“东北边疆历史与现状系列研究项目”更多的是与包容性有关——承认中国的少 数民族是中国人,拥有文化历史。

The earliest capitals of Goguryeo are located in what is now China. Much of the territory that was once Goguryeo also falls within the borders of China. The Northeast Project acknowledges that Goguryeo was primarily an ethnically Tungusic-based culture, and was founded by Jumong, who was prince from the kingdom of Buyeo (whose territory is a part of modern-day China). Due to the origins and cultural similarities of Goguryeo, it is considered to be culturally related to the Manchu people - and the region of Manchuria is a part of China. And the people of Manchuria have a rich history, which, due to them being a part of China, means that it is a part of Chinese history.


As for Mongolia, I see no reference to Mongolian culture whatsoever in anything about the Northeast Project (the biggest hint being that neither Mongolia nor Inner Mongolia are in Northeast China). You’re obviously just using it as an excuse to spread misinformation, hatred, and racism.


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