Type 003 Fujian vs Gerald Ford - Aircraft Carrier Comparison
003型“福建舰” VS “福特”号航母比较
We compare the newly launched Chinese supercarrier, the Fujian, with the latest nuclear carrier of the US Navy, the Ford. We examine the ships' electromagnetic catapults, naval aviation facilities, propulsion, and radar systems.
To add more info regarding weight mostly concerning the type 03. I was an engineer in the US Navy, my first ship was the USS Kitty Hawk CV-63. After I had been aboard her awhile and gained experince one of my jobs was to weigh her in the morning. The heaviest I ever recorded was 89,264 tons.
Excellent video fairly breaking down differences, benefits, and reasons for design purposes for both ships. One other diff between the two ships is that with the Ford they were able to move the island further back on the deck, thus easing access to elevators, allowing easier/faster maneuvering for planes on the deck, and is another subtle factor that will increase sortie rates. This was a lesson they took from the Nimitz as you can see the Nimitz's island is more similarly placed like the Fujian's. Because all the elevators were in front of the island this was also cited as a reason for them being okay removing the 4th elevator as they could more efficiently use the 3 remaining ones while also have more deck space that was easier to use, and therefore it's lost redundancy was outweighed by others gains.
Ong Yew Leng
Good information. It helps the ordinary layman to understand the differences between the the Fujian and Gerald Ford aircraft carriers.
No doubt they'd have advanced EM launchers, given all their experience with maglev trains, and overall, it will probably focus on delivering rapid responses, and leave less immediate priority strikes to the mainland, which is well within range to launch vast volumes of sorties & strikes.
Larry Roberts
Just one comment; American Carriers are moving most of their Anti-sub-Choppers to their escort ships. Allowing more room for Fixed Wing Aircraft for Combat operations hel to increase shorty rates. This also puts the Choppers out closer to their operational areas away from the Carrier making them more efficient as well.
Thames Shylock
What I'm curious about is that 003 can make the island that small
Thank you! I've watched ton of videos about type 003 as well as the comparison with the Ford class. Your video is the most calm and educational. Thanks!
HV/MVDC vs AC in any integrated electronics system is a HUGE benefit, not to be underplayed. Much more versatility.
Rodriguinho Perruci
It's the F-35C, the F-35B is for short take off and landing (VTOL), and the Gerald R Ford also carries EA-18G Growler Electronic Warfare Aircraft
F-35C, F-35B是短距起降(垂直起降),杰拉尔德·R·福特号还携带EA-18G咆哮者电子战飞机
The main difference between the two ships is that one is commissioned with more on the way. One is new that does not have the capabilities of the nuclear powered one. 3:53-“also the two California- class (CGN-36) cruisers”, California (CGN-36) and South Carolina (CGN-37).
Kevin Murphy
One thing not discussed...experience in fleet carrier operations. The Fuijan crew will not be able to match the USN operational experience overall, I would say for some time? But I am sure the Chinese will be hell bent for leather to get there. Lets just hope we get eventual mature, thoughtful real world leaders in place (which we do not have now in any sense) so these wont ever have to be used.
Don Staggs
All that I can say is look at the time it took to build and launch them. The Keel was laid in 2020 for the 003 and launched in 2022. The keel on the Ford was laid 11/14/2009 and commissioned in July, 2017.
George Davey
The deck space Is not the only place aircraft are serviced or parked. That job would fall onto the massive hangar space located just below deck.
Michael Hoffmann
You made no comparison about the crews that man these ships. Training and actual combat experience (and success).
Expect that the drone squadrons will be a significant % of the carrier air group.
I'm getting some impression from this video alone that China's philosophy on aircraft carriers is vastly different from the United States and Russia. Rather than making the aircraft carrier the leader of a fleet or an independent vessel meant to conduct operations alone, China's aircraft carrier is simply one part of a heavily integrated fleet with its own share of responsibilities. It has to keep up with the rest of the fleet and not become more of a liability than any of the other vessels. It also doesn't need to offer too many capabilities that are superior but redundant to the other vessels. Not a flagship or superweapon, but just another instrument.
joseph smith
It's very difficult to launch planes the usn had issues with the f14 bc of money and maintenance they had to scale back to the f18 it's very training intensive to fly and land on a carrier but this is a amazing leap in china's navy might
It's worth remembering that the Ford Class like the Nimitz Class will be improved and modified ship by ship with most if not all Ford Class CVN's being subclasses and I'd imagine that any additional Type 003 class CV's will not be the same as well
James Kreger
I have a lot of doubts about Chinese tech as we have to guess a bit to much about it. And I think it’s alot easier to compare outside tech and becomes alot harder when comparing combat systems, ect.
Clark Isaac
Chinese made means egg shell durability for everything. No matter a closure of information or not, that's all.
Actually Fujian Province also the origins of Hokkien people. this of Chinese 'tribe' developed their cultures around academics as the oldest 'university' is located in that province, to be specific the iamen City. and also reputed to have the most candidates to pass the Imperial Exam through the course of each respective dynasties. In some Southeast Asian Empires the Fujians were the preferred choice of bureaucrats recruited by the Royal Court. the Province has the pride of being the center of Education, Science and Cultures for centuries similiar to Indian Taxla.
James _ L
By comparison 003 type 80k tons is Not in the super carrier category (100k ton) she is in the big carrier category
Jr Smith
And on top of it there will be an Iowa class Battleship with 16in guns firing in furious anger at the rate of 20 rounds per minute
Roberto Manalo
US and UK already have experienced operating an Aircraft Carrier for the last 100 yrs since 1920.
If front section was 5 to 8 m longer m longer and fujian would have been able to afford another catapult.... Great video as usual.. keep up the good works.
如果前段长5 - 8米,福建舰就能容纳另一种弹射器。视频一如既往的精彩,再接再厉。
Worrying about RCS on a carrier... I can think of other things that might be more detrimental than the masts, like the fact the ship is 300m long and 100,000 tonnes. Yeah, she might show up on radar.
Alex Katsaros
There is no point comparing the two. The 003 is just another test platform for the chinese. Before the chinese will build their true first supercarrier they must master the complexty of a carrier. And that is the 003, they dont intend to deploy it seriously in battle.
he biggest difference between the Chinese and the US militaries not just with these 2 is that the US is building weapons around their own experience and the Chinese around the experience of others. The Chinese believe this ship will serve based on a doctrine that the Chinese never tested in combat. While Ford is build behind tried and tested doctrine
Heng Chen
The only comparison is that there's no comparison between the two.
China's biggest weakness is lack of experience. They have been building weapon systems they've never used in real combat. They are basing most of their modern military doctrines off of the performance the US had in the Gulf War. However, much has changed since then. The US has the military experience to develop modern military doctrines from scratch because they understand what it takes to use these weapons in actual warefare and what to expect, the Chinese don't. This will be a major drawback for them in any real conflict with the US. We have seen with Russia's performance that equipment does not mean that the equipment will be used optimally.
David Roberts
Fujian would be a Coral reef in a few hours all 1of them
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