China's BeiDou in the new era
China has released a white paper on BeiDou, the Chinese navigation satellite system. What are the highlights of the report? What are the applications for the Chinese system at home and abroad? And how likely may BeiDou surpass the U.S. GPS system in the future?
Louis Waweru
Having a high-resolution regional system is a very interesting concept. It opens up a new paradigm of applications when you have low-latency millimeter precision. Looking forward to seeing what innovations may come from it. Sounds like the host wanted a specific application, but the panelist is hinting at the breadth of new space. Specific innovations could be around high-speed rail and nuclear power plant safety; halting trains, detecting track skew, or spng up backup power generators in an earthquake zone, for example
Mohammad Karimzai
Good luck China, working for own people and people around the globe
Man sky
Is that because of bandwidth issues? How come the common drone we brought able to connect with 13+ satellites ? Is that mean the western world consumed too much orbits in space?
Leng Thao
Biedou is more accurate cover more area than any other satellite systems.
Komala Anita
Good feelings it's true will be necessary for new technology
Great country
erwien hindarto
China is never make trouble with another country,something usual there are some intruder at here and spread negative rumor
@erwien hindarto bro i know i work with them alot theyre the troublemakers theyre like a bunch of lunatic when they have money , no control and each country in asia dont like them its just that they economy is good thats why asian countries cannot opposed them so much cause it may harm their economy as well
@ainz What you said here is the same as USA propaganda. I don't see any credibility from your comments.
@Mohammed Kumar so u hating america and criticizing US also in the right track? Thats ur logic?
Mohammed Kumar
Where did I find myself hating and criticising the USA...???
erwien hindarto
I actually prefer silence, I don't want to say many things, but the people here make my heart warm
Olivia Imamura
Containing China provides incentives for China to develop. As a country victimized by foreign forces, this empathizes China to help other develo countries.
John Gold
china,, your program with belt and road initiative , no other nations have such this program but you can investment in other country but do not sell your technology to other nations its not benefit for your nation.
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