

Is China already the biggest economy in the world?




KokHin Lim

Yes it is already the biggest economy in the world since 2014 based on real purchasing value PPP by 2022 it is really close to 1.5 times that of the US economy.

The 700 million Chinese middle class is close to twice the total population of the US. Its consumption and investment is nearly twice that of the US.

95% of the entire world's nation has China as the their biggest trading partner!




In growth China is constantly out growing the US by 3 fold year on and year out. And the US is in a technical recession with a —1.5% GDP in 2022 while China is on course for a 5% growth!

This Ukraine is a bottomless money pit that the US will have to throw good money in trillions to support Ukraine, while China is building, the US is destroying, while China is develo the world the US is threatening it!




William W Moore

Studied at US Air Force Studied Chinese History, Culture, and Geography for the Purpose of Destroying It.Author has 966 answers and 423.6K answer viewsFri

“The United States and China are the two largest economie globally in both Nominal and PPP methods. US is at the top in nominal, whereas China is at the top in PPP since 2017 after overtaking the US.”

If an American farmer sells an egg for a dime, that sale adds $0.10 to America’s GDP. If a Chinese farmer sells an egg for a nickel, that adds $0.05 to China’s GDP. The USA has more money than China has. China has more chickens and more eggs. Which is the larger economy?




 Eric Wang

Lives in California (1991–present)Author has 361 answers and 27.3K answer viewsFri

On a nominal basis, the US GDP is still higher than that of China. But on a ppp basis, China overtook the US in 2017 already. This brought up the gist of the topic, which is we shouldn’t overlook the fact that Chinese population is 4 times that of the US’s. China still has a long way to go on per capita performance.




Paul Denlinger

Lived in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong; fluent in PutonghuaAuthor has 11.5K answers and 54.4M answer views10y

What do you think about the prospect of China's economy in the next 10 years?

It's going to be a bumpy ride for the Chinese Co unist Party. Basically, for the 30 years from 1979 to 2008, the chinese and party got a free ride from globalization and manufacturing outsourcing, but now that there is weak demand all over, things are going to be tough.

The Chinese economy will begin the shift to services, but the transition won't be smooth.





Ismail Bashmori

Author has 441 answers and 5.8M answer viewsJun 28

Will China’s economy continue to boom?

I'm not worried about China's economy whatsoever. I've almost lost interest in writing about it. It's sorta like how your freezer keeps your food frozen without you thinking about it. China's economy is basically under the best and most skilled and sophisticated management possible in the universe. It's on some kind of Einsteinian autopilot. Hell yes it's gonna keep growing, the distribution of wealth will get better, the standard of living will keep going up, education, technology, Infrastructure will transform, and it'll green up and cut its carbon emissions, and get more interconnected and sanction-proof too. All while I sleep and watch TV, and argue with idiots on Quora.




Thomas Lee

Multinational Senior Executive Author has 5.1K answers and 15.8M answer views1y

As an American, how would you feel if/when China becomes the largest economy in the world?

I am NOT an American but I wonder why Americans care if China becomes the largest economy of the world.

Currently, China's GDP per capita is about 1/6 of that of USA.

China had more than 4 times population of USA.




Therefore, if China continues to develop in the next ten years to achieve a GDP per capita of 1/4 of USA, they will achieve being the largest economy of the world.

Do and should Americans be concerned and alarmed if China and Chinese are still ONLY 1/4 of their country in say another 10 years from now?





Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam

LawyerAuthor has 17.1K answers and 398.3M answer views9mo

Is China not rich, given that its economy has grown so much over the past decade plus?


China is not rich

China is Economically a very powerful entity. As on date - it is the most economically powerful entity on earth albeit expected to slip to second spot after COVID finally gets phased out.



A. How big is Chinas Purse?

Ans:- A Nations purse is estimated to be equal to the Sum of a Nations Foreign Reserves + Foreign Credits minus the Nationals External Debts and the Nations Short Term Foreign Reserves

A、 中国的钱袋子有多大?


Chinas purse stands at a whop $ 3 Trillion

This means China can literally pull out and spend $ 100 Billion like it is nothing.

China has the largest purse in the World.




B. How serious are Chinas Debts?

Ans:- China has an estimated $ 43 Trillion of Debt. This is Debt by every Chinese entity on earth including the Government. However this debt is backed by $ 41 Trillion of Hard Core Assets

B、 债务有多严重?


C. Is China Truly Rich?

Ans:- No. Thats because of Population. Chinas wealth distribution is highly skewed. At one point in 2008 - China has a Gini of almost 60 and an INequality Index of almost 2700 but since i ing- China has reduced this to 644 which is still extremely high (100 is Ideal Utopian with countries like Finland having in the low 150s)

C. 中国真的很富裕吗?


China has a Middle Class of 52.4% against USAs almost 82% - still far better than the 26.7% Middle Class in 2000 that China had.

70% of Chinas wealth is controlled by 6.53% of Its Population which is better than USA (2.55%) or India (1.24%) or Pakistan (0.41%) but far worse than countries like Norway (27.6%), Finland (25.2%) or even Lithuania (14.4%)



In the latest meetings - China have set a Target of 2026 to ensure that 70% Wealth is in the hands of at least 20% of the Population under the Common Prosperity Program


So China is Tremendously Economically Powerful because

(a) It has the Largest Wallet in the World

(b) It has the best Debt Leverage Ratio in the World

So China is NOT RICH Because

(a) It has a very uneven and skewed ownership of Wealth compared to 61 Countries (China is 62nd)

(b) It has a Huge Population


(a) 中国拥有世界上最大的钱袋子

(b) 中国拥有世界上最好的债务杠杆率


(a) 与61个国家(中国排名第62位)相比,中国的财富分配非常不均衡

(b) 中国有庞大的人口



Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam

Author has 17.1K answers and 398.3M answer views1y

How good are China's prospects of becoming the number one economy in the world, and when will it achieve it?

It is doubtful China can do this in less than 50 Years

Sure! In terms of paperwork - Yes China can give some paper numbers and give numbers touting to be the largest economy based on PPP within 2025 itself - but a #1 Economy is something else.

The key difference in the US and China is the Middle Class and the Overall Standard of Living.





Dan Bradbury

Lived in The United States of AmericaAuthor has 21.7K answers and 233.6M answer views5y

What are the chances of China passing USA on being the largest world economy?

What are the chances? Given the trajectory of history, somewhere above 99%. Barring self destruction by our species, probably closer to 100%. Five to fifteen years for nominal GDP. It's already larger in PPP GDP.



William Regan

I've been living in China for ten years.Author has 908 answers and 4M answer views4y

What will happen if China becomes the world’s biggest economy?

It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.

What will happen? Nothing that isn’t already happening. The size of China’s economy makes it a vital, interconnected part of the world economy. Any recession or depression here will have shockwaves throughout the world.



The real questions are:

How much longer will the EU last? Can it survive the Brext crisis, maintain its currency, and even add a few member states? What if all the neutral nations joined — and places like Turkey or even Russia joined (would require a radical departure from the status quo)



What will the result be of the i’s Belt and Road Initiative? Will it lead to greater regional cooperation? Will the recipients of this somehow tilt the deal in their favor?

Could India assert its regional dominance and become a key competitor to China? If it could keep all its brain power at home and develop its tech industry — maybe so.





David Chau

Lives in Hong KongAuthor has 290 answers and 28.7K answer views3y

How likely is it for China to be the strongest economy in the next 20 years?

Most likely China will surpass America that's why America is trying pretty hard to stop that by the trade war and interfering HK. Indeed China is no longer just cheap labour that's why they have speed train ,super highways, 5G all these are highly skillful projects especially the super highways that link HK ,Macau And China city which no one predicted China can do it.




Gwydion Madawc Williams

Read a lot about thisAuthor has 45K answers and 38.1M answer views7y

How powerful is China economically?

The second largest economy, and rising fast. But likely to be 'punching under its weight' for some time to come.

China has a large middle-income population. It is not well placed to support foreign countries economically, nor much inclined to try.

China is also not a trading hub: very seldom the intermediary between two other economies for trade or finance.

Economic power also related to politics. China would face a lot more hostility if it tried exercising power as the USA has done, simply because its culture is much more distinct.






Joseph Wang

ex-VP, Big investment bank - Hong KongAuthor has 28.4K answers and 102.9M answer views5y

Is China’s economy overheating?

As of August 2017….

Walking down the street in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, it doesn’t feel like it.

I’ve been through periods in which the economy was very clearly overheating. Prices go up, everyone is crazy spending, rents go through the roof. The most result example was the stock market bubble about 18 months ago, when you had three new brokerage companies open downstairs in a nearby mall.



One sign that I use to see if the economy is overheating is the ‘sticky tape” index. You have all of these cheap restaurants that don’t print new menus, and so when they tape over a lot of the old prices with new prices, you know the economy is over heating.

There’s also the “rent”/”stock market” conversation index, which is how quickly a conversation with someone turns into a discussion of the stock market or rents.

But that’s not the way the economy feels like in August 2017. It feels calm.






Gwydion Madawc Williams

Read a lot about thisAuthor has 45K answers and 38.1M answer views1y

Why has the Chinese economy doing so well despite Covid-19?

A very efficient government, ready to defend the general interest against selfish or foolish individuals.




Shazaan Khan

Studied Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM) at Jamia Millia Islamia (Graduated 2018)Author has 51 answers and 414.8K answer views4y

How is China's growing economy impacting the world?

Originally Answered: How China's growing economy is impacting the world?

No doubt in the fact that the Asian giant is impacting other countries including India to the great extent. Refer to my this post to know in detail how china is impacting the world.




Callan Chua

Been Learning how to make it in China for the past 10 years.Author has 308 answers and 1.8M answer viewsUpdated 4y


How did China manage to become the largest or second largest economy in such a short amount of time?

Disclaimer : I’m not an economist. Nor am I educated in economics. You can say that my answer is entirely emotional and uneducated so choose to ignore if you find my observations irrelavant.

I read some of the answers, and I felt that those who talks about slave labor, cheap labor, currency manipulation etc, have no idea about modern chinese background. After first coming to China 10 years ago and staying here for the past 8 years, I see a lot of changes happening in China, from a labor intensive low cost manufacturing economy to now a mid-high tech product powerhouse, one thing did not change. That is the chinese’s sheer willingness to work hard. The experts can make up a thousand reasons for their growth but all those reasons would be external, their success comes from within and nothing can help them if they are not willing to help themselves.



I heard a lot of foreigners saying that chinese students studying in their country are boring. All studying and no play, makes a dull Jack. But essentially, what they believe in is gras every opportunity they can and to work hard now so that they can play in style later. Such beliefs are ingrind in their soul. The same can be said for the workforce and business owners. For those who calls that slavery, it ain’t slavery if they are paid and willing. They genuinely happily earn good money for their work. Look who are the biggest spenders in tourism? They can’t be slaves if they have money to buy those stuff in your country. It’s slavery to you because you are not willing to work that hard.


Of course, I’m not saying that all Chinese are rich. But what I can see in China is that for those actively seeking out opportunity and is willing to work hard, they get rewarded for it. And there are a lot of such people.



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