

 Has India ever influenced China?




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inghe Li, Lived in China for 20 years

Yes, and a very profound influence, so much so that modern Chinese no longer notice that part of their culture is Indian-rooted. An analogy would be Judeo-Christian influence on Western culture.


To give you an example, there is a word for ‘moment’ in Chinese which is 刹那 (pronounced as chà nà). Sounds familiar? Yes, it’s a loanword from Sanskrit ‘ksana’, which means a short period of time. Modern Chinese use this word so often that it doesn’t appear to us at all it’s a Sanskrit loan.


Traditional Chinese thought system has three pillars: Confucianism-Legalism, Taoism and Buddhism. The three schools debated and interacted with each other, producing all the main currents in traditional Chinese thought. Taoism and Buddhism somehow intertwined with each other to some extend and often acted as a counter-balance to this-worldly focused Confucianism-Legalism.


Even though Buddhism is not the dominant religion in China now as most people are not religious, Buddhist thought permeates Chinese art and literature. If someone in a traditional Chinese society was fed up with secular affairs, he would usually turn to Buddhism for aspiration. Zen Buddhism is an amalgamation of Buddhist and Taoist thoughts. Buddhists produced many of the finest pieces of Chinese literature and art.


Sanskrit also had a profound influence in Chinese linguistics. By comparing Chinese and Sanskrit, Chinese scholars in the 5th century discovered for the first time that Chinese was in fact a tonal language and published a tonal dictionary of Chinese. Studies in Sanskrit inspired Chinese scholars in the 5th century to do a systematic study of Chinese phonology and preserved for us how Chinese was pronounced back then.


Without Indian cultural influence, medieval/early modern Chinese philosophy, literature and art would not have become what they were. On a societal level, Indian philosophy also had profound influences: such as the concept of karma influenced Chinese charity practices as well as Chinese ethics. Re-incarnation (also a concept from India), though never made its way to Confucian-Legalist High culture, permeated Chinese folk lores and folk spiritual beliefs, and leaves its traces in many modern Chinese idioms, even though it’s no longer widely believed, as most Chinese are now atheist. Many of these influences are not perceived by modern Chinese as Indian-rooted, since they’ve become so used to them that their ‘foreign’ origin is no longer felt.





On the other hand, Chinese influence on India is largely technological and secondary. One important aspect though, is that Chinese historical writings are very useful to reconstruct India’s pre-Islamic history. The writings of Buddhist monks who travelled to India give the most detailed (if not objective) description of India in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, as Indian historical writings before Islam were scarce.


然而,一个重要的方面是,中国的历史著作对重现印度前伊 斯兰历史非常有用。




Andrew Dang, HSE Officer (2012-present)

From a Vietnamese perspectives, I would say in terms of cultural interactions, especially the concepts of Buddhism, India truly had her strong influences on the flows Chinese culture throughout different periods of history.


The Chinese idiom “恒河沙数“ (Vietnamese: “Hằng Hà sa số”) undoubtedly has its origins from India. Literally, “恒河沙数“ means “countless like the sand of the Ganges”, in which Ganges is a sacred river in India.



Historically, this idiom directly came from the Shorter Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra or “佛說阿彌陀經” (“Phật thuyết A-Di-Đà Kinh”), in which Siddhārtha Gautama used it to describe the countless numbers of Buddhas in the Buddhist cosmology.



On the other hand, the Chinese words “西方極樂”(Vietnamese: “Tây phương cực lạc”) also comes from the concept of Sukhāvatī or the Western Pure Land/ Western Paradise in Buddhism. According to Buddhism, the Western Pure Land is the living place of the Amitabha Buddha.


Finally, the Chinese words“涅槃” (Vietnamese: “Niết bàn”) mean for concept of Nirvāṇa. In fact, it is an Indian religious concept of both Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism, which means the state of perfect quietude where people are liberated from the cycles of life and death.



Nitish Sharma, I Know Past, Present & Future of INDIAN POLITICS.

Here's an amazing quote by Hu Shih :

“India Conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border.”




Xane Feng, I am Chinese

Yes, of course. Buddhism had a huge influence on China, and it came from India. The Shaolin Temple was founded by an Indian monk.

However, anybody who thinks Chinese statecraft and philosophy (other than Buddhism) originated from India is living in fantasy land.

On another note, the answer wiki is incorrect: Sun Wukong is NOT Hanuman. Though the two share similiarities, there is no evidence that the legend of Sun Wukong came from India. On the contrary, Wukong’s origins are well documented, and come from Chinese folklore.



Nilesh Thingalaya

Indian Influence on China

Chinese medicine was derived from Ayurveda.

Martial arts originated in India.

Yin Yang comes from Ida ingala .

Indian Mathematics ( of course the whole world uses Indian numerical system) .







Aniruddhbhai Dhadhal

both countries were having a good relation in history.

India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border.



Liang iao

Buddhism has a profound influence on China.

Buddhism was the first to change Chinese mythology.

Most of the legends about the afterlife come from Buddhism.

The most classic novels in ancient China, "the journey to the west", "a dream of Red Mansions", is also based on Buddhism.






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