

 Empowering women: More companies now offer medical cover for egg freezing



MUMBAI: Offering a medical cover to employees for egg-freezing has found favour with more companies. Accenture India and WeWork India are among the new ones to offer this benefit to their employees. Egg-freezing, or egg-harvesting, is a rather expensive treatment that involves preservation of a woman’s eggs to be used later for childbearing.


In 2017, only 2% of the Working Mother & Avtar ‘Best Companies for Women’ offered medical cover for egg-freezing. The percentage rose to 5% in 2018 and, in 2020, there were 11% companies (roughly 35 in number) offering the benefit.

2017年,只有2%的Working Mother & Avtar‘Best Companies for Women’公司为卵子冷冻提供医疗保险。这一比例在2018年上升到了5%,到2020年,有11%的公司(约35家)提供这种福利。

Avtar founder Saundarya Rajesh said, “Egg-freezing is the placing of the power of choice in the hands of women professionals, to help them beat the biological clock.”

Avtar公司创始人桑德尔亚·拉杰什说:“ 卵子冷冻将选择权赋予了职业女性,帮助她们战胜生物钟。”

While 53% of the Working Mother & Avtar Best Companies for Women have some form of support to employees and their partners for infertility treatment, 11% offer medical cover for egg-freezing. This indeed provides women the freedom to choose their motherhood window, but the idea is yet to gain traction in India, where daughters are given the mantra of ‘earlier the better’.”

53%的Working Mother & Avtar ‘Best Companies for Women’公司为员工及其伴侣提供某种形式的不孕治疗支持,11%为卵子冷冻提供医疗保险。这确实为女性提供了选择生育窗口的自由,但这一理念在印度尚未获得认可,在印度,女性被灌输了‘越早生越好’的想法。”

In the conflict between pursuing career goals versus responding to the societal and familial pressure of childbearing, Rajesh said it takes a lot of effort on the part of the woman to even suggest the idea of egg-freezing.


Breaking stereotypes, such policies are gender-neutral at Accenture. Lakshmi C, MD and lead (HR) at Accenture in India, said, “According to studies, one out of six couples in urban India face challenges with fertility and seek medical interventions, which can be expensive and complex. Our enhanced medical cover, which includes fertility and surrogacy treatments, is aimed at supporting our people in their journey towards parenthood and is available to all our people and their partners.”

在埃森哲,此类政策是不分性别的,打破了以往的刻板印象。埃森哲印度分部主管Lakshmi C说:“根据研究,印度城市六分之一的夫妇面临生育挑战,寻求医疗干预,这可能是昂贵、复杂的。我们加强了医疗保障,包括生育和代孕治疗,旨在支持我他们成为父母。”

以下是印度时报读者的评论: 译者:Jessica.Wu

Saurabh Joshi

How does delaying motherhood empower women? Its against nature and will drive India to American craze of working.




Amit Prasad

So now company will decide when to get married , have boyfriend, when to conceive and when to deliver..



Ramesh Sargam

We are being 'westernized' and slowly losing our own Indian tag.



Akash S

This is not women empowerment. These companies are using these women for their own benefits in the name of empowerment. They will let them work for more than 12 hours and after that how can a woman get time.



anurag srivastav

Nothing comes free. Companies are at advantage since they don't hv to provide maternity leave for 6 months. Even doctors advise ladies to plan family planning before 35 years of age.



Ajhay U Waghmare

this might look like empowerment, but actually this is a dangerous path for women & the society, so when you opt for this benefit it may imply that in future the company can decide weather you must reproduce or when to do so, its like having a company provided sim card & phone so that you are not allowed to remain offline



Sunil Viswanathan

Companies basically want to indirectly avoid paying maternity




Just let a women be a women. And let a man be man. Dont fiddle with nature.



Godfather Senior

Quite unnatural and against the law of nature. It will not support women any way but harm them at a longer go. The best way out is to get married at 21-26 and have a child before you attain 28-30 years. That will also keep you young, in appearance as well as in fitness !



Nimi Shah

Dear indians please awake and stop being feeder for foreign capitalist. You are human not a component of a machine. Accenture make it's employees work like machine and fires. Time have reached we should say no to these labor mafias.




Check reality, many dont even get pregnancy leave.



Jagadeesh R

shameless methods by corporates and insurance companies in exploiting woman in the name of empowerment...




You can freeze eggs, but can you stop your body from Ageing? Bringing up children is no Joke & the older the parents gets, the more difficult it is.




Ponraj Abraham

This is nothing but exploitation of women by IT companies.



Nature Truth

While India explosive population need eggs freezing to control births to delay marriage as young as 13yo, China is asking their women to marry young and have three babies with incentives.



damn it

Pass population control law



Nemar Naidoo

There are enough artificial inseminators in the country, why waste money on egg freezing which is done in the US.



Sourav Mukherjee

Empowerment of women is still a ornamental jargon in India , we are yet to come out of our medieval mind-set.



Neel Javia

Looking at the comments section shows how backwards and uncultured India is.



Shankarnarayan Sarma

Shortly we are loosing our tradition and culture. Shortly say we are running behind westernization.



Guptan Veemboor

Why can't these people adopt a child, which will help many?


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