

 Madhya Pradesh: Days after participating in vaccine trial, man dies in Bhopal



BHOPAL: A 42-year-old man who had taken part in the trial of Covaxn, the indigenous coronavirus vaccine developed by Bharat Biotech, died nine days later in Bhopal, officials said.

博帕尔:印度官 员称,一名42岁的男子参加了巴拉特生物技术公司研发的本土新冠疫苗Covaxn的试验,9天后在博帕尔去世。

While doctors suspect that poisoning could be the cause, Bharat Biotech said in a statement that 'preliminary reviews' indicate that the death was unrelated to the vaccine trial.


Dr Rajesh Kapur, vice chancellor, People's Medical College and Hospital where the trial was conducted, told PTI that Deepak Marawi, the deceased, had participated in the Covaxn tria on December 12. He died nine days later.

负责试验的人民医学院副校长Rajesh Kapur博士告诉印度报业托拉斯,死者Deepak Marawi于12月12日参加Covaxn疫苗试验,9天后去世。

Bharat Biotech said in a statement that Marawi had fulfilled "all the inclusion and exclusion criteria to be accepted as a participant in the Phase III trial".

Bharat生物技术公司在一份声明中表示, Marawi满足“III期试验参与者的所有纳入和排除标准”。

He was reported to be healthy in follow-up calls post seven days of his dosing and no adverse reaction was observed or reported, the Hyderabad-based company said.


"The volunteer passed away nine days after the dosing and preliminary reviews by the site indicate that the death is unrelated to the study dosing. We cannot confirm if the volunteer received the study vaccine or a placebo as the study is blinded," it added.


Madhya Pradesh Medico Legal Institute director Dr Ashok Sharma said the doctor who performed autopsy suspected that he died of poisoning. However, the exact cause of the death would be known from his viscera test, he added.

中央邦医学法律研究所所长Ashok Sharma博士说,进行尸检的医生怀疑他死于中毒。然而,他补充说,确切的死因将从其内脏检测中得知。


S Ramaiah

Poisoning. It may be sabotage to discredit the Indian made vaccine




I told this before to first to give the vaccines and start by giving to BJP-NDA leaders starting from PM Modi, HM Shah and the rest. Now the innocent citizens are dying for not following the sincere advice.




Whatever happens after vaccination is not due to vaccine. Accept and take vaccine.



Dinesh kumar

Atleast now people should understand,"Say No to Vaccines.Be safe".



Sanjay Kamath

Vaccinate first all BJP ministers including Feku who allowed vaccination without completing clinical trials for Bio Tech. Lets them pay the price for their ill actions


Pankaj Sharma

That is why, it is Emergency approval. These are Pandemic times and and getting a vaccine is of paramount importance. Other vaccines, abroad, were also given Emergency approval, without getting Phase 3 results. So stop madling in a thing, about which this journo has little idea. Do you know, there is something as Phase 4 of drug development?



Market ploy

Ofcourse... After he took poison after taking vaccine.. Logic



Rony Thomas

Now watch Congress bhakths n jihadis dance in joy because. For them anything that shows India in bad light is a reason to celebrate.



Dineshotham Kumar

Me and my entire family will take the Indian Vaccine when it is available. We trust our government. So will the large number of Indians who trust our doctors.




Actually PM Modi must not hurry for vaccines so soon let the most advance countries like U.S, U.K first tests these vaccines and give approval otherwise it is very risky and dangerous.



S Ramaiah

If it is a placebo, it is going to be disappointment to doubters.




In Russia all top govt officials took vaccine. Why Indian govt people in power not taking it? First leaders then public. simple!

俄罗斯所有高级政府官 员都接种了疫苗。为什么印度领导层不先接种?




Bharat bio was having trouble getting volunteers to test the vaccine so they are picking on poor and illiterate without their knowledge.



Tarunkumar Mishra

One person allegedly died after taking Pfizer vaccine.Do you dirty illiterate person ever heard that once 10 children died of measles vaccines but vaccination did not stop.



Arjun Satya

Sudden death after 9 days of vaccination can't be related to vaccine.




Doctor must do in depth analysis as this vaccine will be given to mass. Any risk will be like an atom bomb, will destroy masses



Vijay Sharma

vaccine can't kill...at the most it will be ineffective. Don't jump to conclusions without vicera reports.


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