

 Mumbai eatery charges Rs 10 extra for ice-cream, fined Rs 2 lakh


MUMBAI: Six years after Shagun Veg Restaurant in Mumbai Central levied an excessive charge of Rs 10 for an ice-cream packet, the district forum slapped a fine of Rs 2 lakh for unfair trade practice, besides asking it to compensate the customer.


The forum said with the restaurant being around for 24 years and earning around Rs 40,000-50,000 everyday, it had definitely made a profit by charging more than the MRP.


Ordering the additional deposit of Rs 2 lakh, the forum said, "In order to curb such unscrupulous trade practices by restaurants and shops and for the benefit of customers, the principle of fear of deterrence must be addressed."



The restaurant had charged police sub-inspector Bhaskar Jadhav Rs 175 instead of the printed MRP of Rs 165 for a family pack of ice-cream. In the complaint submitted before the South Mumbai District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum in 2015, Jadhav said he was on his way home from DB Marg police station on the night of June 8, 2014, when he stopped at the restaurant to pick up the ice-cream for guests at home. He said he got two family packs for the price of one but was shocked to see the additional charge.

6年前,警察局副督察Bhaskar Jadhav 从这家餐馆购买了一个冰淇淋家庭套餐,餐厅收取了175卢比,而非标签上打印的165卢比。在2015年提交给南孟买区消费者纠纷调解法庭的诉状中,Jadhav表示,2014年6月8日晚,他在从DB Marg警察局回家的路上,去了这家餐厅,为家里的客人买了冰激凌。他说,他买了两套家庭装,买一送一,但看到多收的费用,他很震惊。

Jadhav told the district consumer forum that he had taken up the issue with the restaurant, but his objection was dismissed. He said he had purchased the ice-cream from the counter and had not even entered the restaurant. Jadhav also produced the bill which specified he was served at the counter.


The restaurant, in its response, said it had incurred costs to store the ice-cream. It also iterated there was a difference between a shop and a restaurant.


The district forum refuted this, observing Jadhav had not availed any of the restaurant's services such as asking the waiter for water, using their furniture, cooling himself below their fan or air conditioner, using their cutlery to have the ice-cream or even consuming the mouth freshener usually served with the bill. Hence, the forum held that the the surcharge was not justified.




in that sense what about coldrinks sold at roadside stalls, they charge ₹2-3 more per bottle saying cooling charges. It's illegal but nothing is done about it.

这么说的话,那路边摊出售的冷饮每瓶多收2 - 3卢比的冰镇费也是违法的,但却没人管。


The Wanderer

Is this a joke? After 6 years...



ET on Earth visit

Such overcharging is widespread all over the country. Also products sold online, quite a few of them show lower mrp after received. Most customers dont bother to complain due time constraints or not aware where to do it. This judgement is right, but penalty should have been higher for strong deterrance.



Pappu Pass or Fail

what about cinema halls..which sells Rs 10 popcorn at Rs 100..? can't be selective in it..



Bounty Hunter

In those 6 years the ice cream price would have been doubled



Mark Noronha

6 years ? really to know it was unfair trade ..



Godfrey Victor Martins

Consumer redressal forum only takes cases of well known people... Not of common people... Since the complainant was a police officer case has been taken...




Police offer and customer court tried to ask for bribe and when the restaurant didn't give they took upon themselves to teach a lesson. Otherwise a police officer , a beacon of corrupt practice, can get shocked by rs.10 is unbelievable.



Jayantilal Surana

good decision by court, actually most restaurants in Mumbai overcharging for package food and drinks




The incident took place six years ago and decision comes now. Too early, I believe.



Hem Nath

What about pop corn sold in multiplexes for 300-400??




Took 6 years to decide this? What a third class country



Amanjit Brar

courts are really joke.. and then they feel bad if someone points out... it took them what over 5 years to pronounce judgement in such simple case???? shame shame!



varun d

Malls and Multiplex charges 40 to 80 rupees for one water bottle.

is that not over charged?



Garg Sanjay

This is the state of affairs of the justice system. Six years after the offence and what prompted the complainant to file case after one year? This is prevalent all across the country



Rahul Singh

Consumer forum is in action only because he is police officer. No listen for ordinary men.




The Forum should be fined for such a quick decision. Seriously 6 years !!!!!



Mad Joy

so it takes 6 yrs to take that decision.. sad..



Balakrishnan Purakot

very surprised, cop paying for ice cream !!



sushant thorat

Feku ruined the Nation



Riva Mishra

Good move, also they should be jailed for atleast 6 months and suspend license for 1 year


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