

 43% of Covid-19 deaths in India in 30-59 yrs age band



NEW DELHI: While people in age groups above 45 continue to be more at risk from Covid-19 in terms of fatalities, as many as 43% deaths have taken place in the relatively younger age bands of 30-44 and 45-59, official data said.


As has been the trend, people above 45 years of age — comprising 25% of India’s population — are most at risk from coronavirus infection, accounting for 85% of Covid-19 deaths so far. Within this age group, most deaths (71%) are among those in 45-74 age group, health ministry data showed. But the data also showed that people between 30-44 years and 45-59 years — comprising 37% of the population — registered 43% of Covid deaths.


The percentage of deaths with respect to age groups has not changed significantly since May 21, when these statistics were last shared by the ministry. However, in terms of absolute numbers, the deaths have increased with rise in overall fatality.


According to the ministry’s daily update, out of the over 7.67 lakh cases, around 4.76 lakh have recovered while over 2.69 lakh remain active in the country. With more Covid-19 patients recovering, the gap between the number of recovered and active cases has increased by 2 lakh. Deaths were at 21,129.


“Gap between active cases and recovered cases is progressively increasing. This is significant because it helps us ensure that our healthcare system is not unduly burdened,” official on special duty in the health ministry Rajesh Bhushan said.

卫生部官员Rajesh Bhushan称:“现存确诊病例和治愈病例之间的差距正在逐步扩大,这有助于缓解医疗体系的负担。”

With a focus on effective clinical management, the current recovery rate has improved to 62.09%, up from 47.40% on May 31 and 26.59% on May 3, the data showed. Bhushan emphasised that while analysing the Covid-19 scenario, the population of the country must be taken into account. He said India’s deaths and cases per million were among the lowest in the world.


“Cases per million population in some countries are at least 16-17 times more than what it is in India. We have 15 deaths per million population whereas there are countries where it is 40 times as much.”





Feku, aka Surrender Modi, still refuses to acknowledge that there is any community spread in India. Since Feku has surrendered to the coronavirus, FEKU CARES fund should be returned to the donors.



Stop cribbing and start doing something. Don't expect the govt to do everything.



Abhijit Sharma

To run the economy, fekuji is sacrificing 500 lives per day.


Sane Voice

When Lockdown was announced, you almost died crying saying people will die of starvation



Asok Datta

Abject total failure on all fronts and government is totally confused and directionless against the ongoing onslaught of the pandemic; we are afraid to see the doomsday soon



Akash Sarma

Oh my god till yesterday I was thinking it affects badly only on above 60 years people but this data hugely contradicts. This disease now seems to be taking huge foot in India. And don't know what our Harha will do.



Ninad Bhate

As long as we all take necesary steps, not become complacent ( as if all's well), it'll be fine. We need to do our bit and Govt will do theirs.



Rahul Bhardwaj

Work from home, if there is an option.



Dinyar Jalnawalla

I don't think thos statistics conveys any sense at all.



Rishi Venugopal

If there is an option for you to sit at home all this year....... Do that!



Gaurav Kumar

The problem was not with the lockdown or unlocking. The problem was with the ill planning.



Ninad Bhate

Stay safe, take all precautions ( don't be a macho by not following what we need to do) and be positive. A phase in our life that shall also pass.



Mooo Republic

Poorest quality of air in the world. Poor quality food (adulteration and low nutritional value) and water. Poor quality lifestyle. It does not matter if you are rich or poor. Indians have the lowest quality of life in India.


vishal sethiya

Why you are here bhai there are option to settle down out of india !!



Rich Tech

Wow Modi Ji wow. If Modi is there anything is possible....




Lack of proper treatment is the reason for higher death.



Dilip 4 Caa

India under tests, underreports without doing anything substantial. Dreamseller rocks.



Gugi Canada

We have Modi Ji don't worry he knows everything how to handle this corona don't worry be happy. Modi ha



Kamlesh Desai

Stop publishing meaningless statistics.



Sam Sidhu

in India data is not accurate. proper testing is not done. Actual cases are far higher than recorded.

Same way in New Delhi alone only 10% deaths are reported.




Manish singh

It is big conspiracy in the world. Why not effect from corona in Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Afganistan these are near to .



Sanjoy Pandey

Numbers are increasing continuously unabated, how to control the pandemic ?




This is the culprit age group that cannot stay at home and stay safe and want to loiter around without a purpose.



Jamurd Perbin

Corona become more dangerous day by day


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