Pradip Kumar Shome - Chennai - 3 days ago -Follow
Modi has vision, oppositions do not. Congress never wanted India to be a super power. They like co unists wants to eat all the apples and leave grass for Indians. Congress target is to coming back to power by hook, or by crook or by both. Now let Indians see how a grand old party reduced to 44 seats in parliament can come back to majority and rule to spoil the country for another decade!
Chandrajit_2002 - Bangalore - 3 days ago -Follow
Under Sir PM Modi ji and BJP India is marching ahead for shining future.
Ranjit Kr - 4 days ago -Follow
India cannot develop all alone when we dont have a good relationship with neighbours , Need to take all neighbours For devlopment in southeast asia ...Good decison..
desperate Indians - space - 4 days ago
Everything India does is to counter influence. Indians will die without countering ; absolutely no confidence or any self-respect. These 5 countries will receive mobile phone signals from and use satellite positioning system of , since India has NONE.
Rajat Bhalla - Noida - 3 days ago -Follow
Modi is and modi will always be our PM for next 15 years. #ProudBhakt (like millions)
sr Mohanty - bhubaneshwar - 3 days ago -Follow
Another masterstroke by our beloved pm
Pammu - Noida - 3 days ago
Jai ho Modi ji & ISRO are awesome....
Santimay Basu - New Delhi - 3 days ago -Follow
After 70 years of post independence, India has got a visionary leader in PM Modi. He knows how to keep Indian flag high.
DRoman - 4 days ago -Follow
This is called strategic planning. Focus on long time relationship with neighboring countries. This will boost business, trust, confidence and security among friendly neighborhood countries.
Sanjay Bhattacharya - 3 days ago -Follow
Such things were unimaginable during UPA rule. In 4.5 years many things have changed. Jai Hind.
Sathasivan - chennai - 3 days ago -Follow
Shows how active our PM is unlike the scamsters of the Congress who were concentrating on looting rather than doing concrete works.
BHARAT - Sare Jahan se ache - 3 days ago -Follow
Under Modi rule country has progressed a lot Defense and Country security strategies
Uday - HUBLI - 3 days ago -Follow
Kudos to Modi Government with a Vision. Great Foreign Diplomacy to Counter the threat of and Pakistan. This is Sab ka Sath, Sab ka Vikas. Pappu KG( Kinder Garden) fellow will not understand. Grow up Khan.
jai hind.
Aam Aadmi - 3 days ago -Follow
Thumbs up to Modi ''s space diplomacy !
Jaimin Patel - 3 days ago -Follow
Why any step taken by the government is portrayed as cold war by media?!! covertly creates infrastructure and influence neighbours, and their media downplay it by calling it just the routine, while our headline crazy media portryes it as of Indian exstence is only to contain !!
为什么印度的任何举动都被媒体描绘成“冷战”?!! 建设基础设施并影响邻国,他们的媒体轻描淡写地称之为日常,而我们的头条新闻疯狂地描述印度的存在只是为了遏制!!
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