
Navneet: 我的童年回忆——点人游戏

My Childhood Memories----Tag Game



I wasn't intending to post a blog on this, but I wanted to put something other than blogs on for a change and then UshaSuryamani's blog on childhood Brand Names came along and the memories of my childhood came flooding to me. Whenever I post something on Sulekha as an instant response to something that I have read, I worry that I may not lose all the content as I put it directly down on the editor. I have lost it hundreds of times but I haven't learnt, nor has Sulekha bothered to provide a simple Auto Save feature.

我本来并不打算就此发表博文,但我想改变一下,在内容之外写点别的东西,然后,Usha Suryamani关于童年记忆里的品牌的博客出现了,我对自己童年的记忆涌上心头。每当我在Sulekha上发布某篇文章作为对我读过的某篇文章的即时回应时,我就会担心,如果我把它直接放在编辑器里,我可能会丢失所有内容。这种事已经发生过数百次了,但我还没有吸取教训,Sulekha也没有考虑过提供简单的自动保存功能。

Usha spoke about dead brand names. While I was reading her blog, I worried that she may not miss the cute child that appeared on the calendars given by  Phillips, the manufacturers of Murphy radios. My mother would tell that the owners of the business had lost their child when he was an infant and to commemorate him they brought the calendar with the picture of a baby on it year after year. I don’t know if the story was true or not but it brought real tears in our eyes for the poor, cute child.


Some other Ads that I remember from my childhood are Modern Bread-


It would come with a pleasing ingle- Mummy, mummy modern bread


Morton Sweets They would come packed in boxes which had fascinating pictures drawn from Hindu Mythology


Cigarette packets- We actually traded them. The fancier they were, the better barter deal they would fetch and besides that they came with wrap silver or gold foils which were worth their price in gold


Other things that I remember are Vividh Bharati Morning tune


I remember Binaca Geet Mala of every Wednesday


Morning News of Devaki Nandan Pande. I am sorry, I can't get his voice clip

Devaki Nandan Pande的早间新闻。但很遗憾,我找不到他的音频了

and some songs, I grew up listening


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