

If slavery vanished from world then why can't caste system vanish from India?




来源:三泰虎   http://www.santaihu.com/45900.html        译者:Joyceliu


Amar Vamsi Krishna, A Mechanical Engineer with a flair for life

They still exst and get reservations.



Luiz Bharali

Because Indians are the most narrow minded, selfish people in the world. Some section and states of India wants to live in the past and never wants to move ahead. They drive Cars but in reality they are going to the future still in the bullock carts



Manjeet Mehta, studied at Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ghaziabad

1. I didnt want to hurt anyone but think about points wisely.

1. 我不想伤害任何人,但我会明智地考虑问题。

2. Caste system can't be removed until we remove caste based reservation.Even school going kids are aware of caste of their friend.

2. 种姓制度不能被移除,除非我们移除基于种姓的预留制。就连上学的孩子都知道他们的朋友都是什么种姓。

3.If caste reservation is removed after 10 years of independence as discussed during 1950 .I guarantee that most of us have forgotten what is caste .as only our caste certificate again and again tell that hey I'm sc or st or general

3. 如果种姓预留制度在印度独立10年后取消,就像1950年代曾讨论过的那样。我敢保证我们大多数人都不记得种姓是什么了。因为我们的种姓证书一次又一次地提醒我们,嘿,我是表列种姓、表列部落或普通种姓

4.Every Sc/St should think about it because reservation help them to get govt. Job or help in college but they also have to live with a shame (ask yourself).

4. 每个表列种姓、表列部落都应该考虑一下,因为预留制可以帮助他们得到政府的工作或大学的帮助,但他们也必须忍受羞耻(问问自己是不是如此)。

5.If reservation is removed then coming generation will forget about caste system and country will soon be in list of developed nation.

5. 如果预留制被取消,那么我们的下一代将忘记种姓制度,印度将迅速跻身发达国家之列。


K Sree Harsha, Mechanical Engineering

Well caste system is not at all slavery ,chatur varna ( caste system ) was just a social structure that was successfully imparted in society according to duties and occupation ,and today we have different social structure in our society 'the occupation or duties ' relating to varna is lost but only caste feeling is left among the people ,Even in chatur varna everybody is equal !



Ramaswamy Subramanian, Enrich your thoughts, and live a life of your own.

Slavery has not vanished, only the word slavery has been substituted by other words. A desire to control one person by another in any form is slavery. Knowingly or unknowingly, it is still happening in every part of the world. A system that restricts the activities of people on the basis of ethnicity, nationality, religion, etc. are slavery. A desire to control one nation by another is also slavery. It is a universal phenomena, and is also an inbuilt mind-set of every person. Only the law of the land differentiates it.



Abhinash Jami

This really happened when I was studying


I had a servant who used to work in my house. Suddenly her wife got ill at that time. so he borrowed Rs.10000 from my father for her medicines and treatment & transport .As he admitted her in a government hospital, the doctor who checked her opted some treatment. after 2 days she died , So my servent gave a police complaint on doctor who treated her .What the truth is that the doctor is not minimum eligible for performing a surgery as the hospital recruited him based on his caste rather than his merit.This is most bitter incident & my servent decided to give up the case after some time bcz he can't afford to hire lawyers for the case.Trust me guys this is not only the incident many such incidents happen in government hospitals of India


I am not against caste system but caste system may be more prevalent in education ,How can be caste system really opted in employment wing?



Yogisha Selvanathan, works at Indian Revenue Service, Income Tax (2017-present)

It's origin is the major reason . Slavery, feudalism etc were abolished  because they didn't have their origin linked to religion unlike caste system . Caste system is based on the religious beliefs of Indians (particularly Hindus and later had  its influence even among Christians and Muslims in India ). If we need to abolish caste system it will trigger the religious sentiments of the people and governments that come to power also want to play safe and use it for their own benefits and politicise caste which makes it even more difficult to abolish .



Neha Shrivastava, quixotic

Firstly slavery and caste system are two very different things. It's not as reletable as- that since crude oil prices have gone down in world market, why doesn't petrol prices come down.


People never wanted to be slaves, there was no sense of community or belongingness with slaves - may be because they never had the freedom to intermingle with each other and discuss their issues.


While caste system has a sense of identity with people. It gives them a sense of belonging to a group or community. People don't just want to get out of their castes coz belonging to a caste is not cruel upon them in any way. In fact it has its own merits too.


There are of course some negative effects with it,  especially when politics tries to take advantage of the community feeling for their vested interests.


But you can't just take away people's since of belonging suddenly, you can't expect them to give up their sense of community.



Rohith Pothepalli, indian

No people of India will not accept it and without the vote bank politicians can't do anythng.  ....


best thing to do is apply reservation for everyone including OC , BC , SC ,ST

最好的办法是为每个人申请预约,包括最高级种姓,低种姓, 表列种姓,表列部落

Based on the population and. ....Let us suppose, We have 40 % Oc population 30 % BC population

20 % SC population 10 % ST population

基于人口,让我们假设,我们有40% 最高级种姓人口、30%低种姓人口、 20%表列种姓人口、10%表列部落人口

Reservations should be like


OC -25%

BC -15%

SC -10%

ST -5%

Gen -50% ( as our constitution says reservation should not exceed 50%)






Now social justice and equality ensures its place


Disclaimer : above discussion and numbers are took for example ... Take it easy ....



Shreyan Gariba

I will give you a direct and straight forward answer. The caste system is the biggest corruption of Indian society. Unfortunately, people are not aware of the reality of ancient India and the vedic period. In vedic literature like the rigveda, there is not a single mention of any kind of caste system and there is also no mention of any religion. People were simply classified according to their profession( teacher, businessman, worker etc). The caste system has been created by the british to divide and rule India. The aryan invasion theory was a theory used by the british to divide and rule the country. Unfortunately, people are not aware of these things and they blindly accept what is handed down to them by society. People should do some research and understand that India never had any kind of divisions and that everyone was treated equally. The vedic period upholds everyone as equal and upholds the dignity of labour. The vedic period is the reality of India because it speaks of only one race that is the human race and the vedic literature speaks just about spirituality and not about any caste system or religion. I hope that my answer helps you. Cheers



Vishal Paike, works at Technothlon

Condition of Shudras today is much more different than it was before independence. Before independence Shudras were treated miserably by our caste system. So they did want caste system to vanish from our society.


After independence, reservation was introduced which meant to increase the representation of lower caste people in society so they can fight against the injustice of caste system . But today group of people from these castes are using reservation again and again unfairly. They feel that they should be privileged because their ancestors have suffered and they will never let go of this reservation.


On the other hand, (so called) upper caste people are crying because of their losses due to reservation. Today these people want to call themselves backward or lower caste just to get reservation. We can look at the Jat movement in Rajsthan, Patels in Gujrat, Marathas in Maharashtra. All these castes are considered to have major representation in their own states.

But they still want to be called backward.


Reservation, which was introduced to reduce the gap between different castes, has itself become a poison dividing the society.


Thus, people will never let go of the caste system to eat the fruits of reservation and reservation will not end until the caste system is vanished. It has become a deadlock.


So it is safe to say that caste system won't ever vanish from India.



Vishal Nagula, Indian by birth

Answer is a partial YES. We are still following the older caste system only with very less changes made in them. But today, in 21 century things have changed a lot but caste system is not much updated.


Mainly people who are pursuing education are suffering due to this system. According to me this system should be modified because there are SC people who are quite rich and also general people who sometimes can't even afford bread and butter. So the modification has to be done to eliminate this biasness. And in some crucial fields like education and medical this system has to be removed completely.



Mani Duraisamy, Politically (In)Correct

Because caste system is different from slavery


Slavery has got profit motives. Humans were traded as commodities with a price tag attached to them. Caste system never works like that. The question likens the Shudras to velleins, helots and Negroes. This is wrong. True, there was and is institutionalized discrimination practiced against Shudras- but some wont call it discrimination, rather we would call it 'culture' and 'personal freedom' when we refuse to rent room to a certain caste. But thats a different topic altogether.


Anyway, coming to the main question: Why cant caste system vanish from India?. Because caste is an identity- an occupational identity. I have not seen any Shudra being traded by upper-castes. I dont think we have sunk so low as that-( I would love to be contradicted though). Shudras get paid based on the work they do. Inequality is a part of life and its needed for the flow of wealth, privileges and education. But when its forced upon us against our free will, then thats discrimination. The problem comes when they are not allowed to grow up further and move in to other professions, or that they dont get enough opportunities to further their career prospects. This is where discrimination begins.


The Brits when they were ruling us noted how , the Dalits, women and other minorities were so under-represented. Thus they introduced the concept of Communal Award


As a result of the Third Round Table Conference, in November 1932, the then Prime Minister of Britain Ramsay Macdonald gave his 'award', known as the Communal Award. It provided separate representation for the Forward Caste, Lower Caste, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Indian Christians, Anglo-Indians, Europeansand Dalits. The Untouchables were assigned a number of seats to be filled by election from special constituencies in which Untouchables could vote.


This was later modified into the present reservation system- which aims to bring proportional representation of castes in academic and educational spheres.


In summary: Caste system cant vanish from India, because its a social hierarchy and a unique identity. Its the birth-based discrimination and prejudice we have to target- not the identity.


I dont agree with some answers here which says reservation fuels the caste divide. Caste divisions were present long before the British came here and will be there in the future also.


And reservations - though a flawed system needs to be modified, is the best solution that our law-makers could come up with to improve the representation of castes.



Vishwajeet Joshi, bjp loyalist , India Observer .

To answer this question, an understanding of caste system and factors that affected it is necessary . Hence I will try to provide a brief according to my understanding. I would request readers to correct me if they feel any information presented is baseless or untrue.


The Indian Caste System did not originate in its 18th or 19th Century rigid form. It is a system which metamorphosized itself into the Evil as we identify it .


When Caste system originated in Vedic period it was merely a classification of Profession with a goal of maintaining order in Society while pursuing self realization leading to  a chance to attain Moksha for everyone.


Nobody was born a Shudra or Brahmin .It was a profession of choice. Equating Shudras to slaves is incorrect as nobody chooses to be slave.The caste system derives from the Karma Siddhanta which professes that an individual can attain enlightenment by doing his duty with complete devotion.


Yagya was a elaborate ceremony performed many times in the Vedic age and was believed to be invocation of GOD.  Performing Yaga was believed to be way of pleasing GODS and gaining favor or Virtue which lead to Peace , Prosperity and ultimately Moksha for the participating individuals.  Members from each Varna contributed to this and the Virtue  (or Fruit or Result of Yagya) obtained would then be distributed equally to all involved.


The 4 Varnas or castes differ in the percentage of  involvement in the materialistic world and how they contributed to Yagya.


Bramhan would be a sect of people who would study scriptures and aim for enlightment by means of Knowledge or higher learning . They were expected to not aim for lavish lifestyle or wealth


Bramhins being extremely poor. Bramhans studied Vedas and performed Yagya by  chanting  vedic hyms that pleased the GODs.


Kshatriyas would be sect of people who would be more involved in the Worldly matters compared to Bramhan , they were allowed to collect Wealth and enjoy Royal life but with the caveat of being able to renounce everything in a moment when time beckons and be ready for WAR. Kshatriya provided for the Security and disciplined and safe environment in which Yagya could be performed.


Vaishyas would be a sect of people who would indulge in Trade and accumulate wealth .Their duty involved generating revenue and distributing the wealth to the needy and  contributing to GDP. Vaishya helped to finance the Yagya ceremony .


Shudras were a sect of people who would be totally involved in materialistic world. They were supposed to perform all the day to day task of maintaining cleanliness , constructing houses, doing agriculture, other profession like Blacksmith, cobbler ,potter , Scavengers etc. They would contribute to Yagya by arranging all items for the ceremony including food and goods.


Hence Shudra were equals performing an  important function in the society and hence were not be treated as Slaves.


However, like any system the Caste System was not designed for drastic changes that would occur over a period of 2500 years.  In due course of time due environmental factors ( like Epidemics, Contagious diseases at an era when vaccination was not available)  untouchability  became a part of Caste System.


Since Shudra would be the sect of people who would be involved in Cleaning and hence more exposed to unclean environment , members of other Sect started to ill treat them.  The entire concept of Virtue and Karma Siddhanta gave way to illogical traditions and customs and eventually blind belief.


Hindu society hence started to crumble and other religions became more attractive .


My whole point is Shudra were important part of society and equals and not to be compared with Slaves.  The Utopian concept of equality  is not correct as we are all inequals in our mental , physical and financial capabilities.


三泰虎原创译文,禁止转载!:首页 > 印度 » 既然世界上已经不存在奴隶制了,为何印度的种姓制度还未消失呢?
