

troutmouth, frankston, Australia, 7 hours ago

i agree with you there no name, thanks to our stupid government. They are buying millions of acres of our land. The next election i'll be voting for One Nation



StendhalBLUE, Zihuatanejo, Mexco, 10 hours ago

For a country buried in debt and struggling with a huge trade deficit, is it wise to be having military bases in all these countries? Most of your citizens won't know which continent Djibouti is. Amazing. You can't police the world. By all means, build your walls and restrict those you want in but also, don't go starting troubles with your presence in countries where you are not wanted.



NOT4U, Commiefornia, United States, 9 hours ago

Stay in your shit hole country and suffer because if not for America you would be speaking Chinese! Count your blessings the country north of you is so powerful. Mexco, is a garbage nation full of garbage people.



Rational Inquirer, Memphis, United States, 9 hours ago

NOT4U, why are you responding with so much hatred? Surely that is not the way to engage in debate. I've known a lot of Mexcans and they were lovely people.



Joe Bob Turner, Amarillo, United States, 10 hours ago

i just cant believe they cannot make a window for planes that filters out laser light



Duke Fishcake, Bury, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago

This happens on the time on my street. Kids pointing lasers at police helicopters. Hardly an act of war is it you cry babies



dunnobouthis, ruralohio, United States, 10 hours ago

Laser pointers differ by orders of magnitude in power and disabling capacity. Does not the UK attempt to arrest and prosecute such idiotic and dangerous behavior? Or is it ok over there to partially blind pilots and potentially cause fatal accidents?



Joe Bob Turner, Amarillo, United States, 10 hours ago

wow, what kind of neighborhood do you live in?



Favoriteaunt, Woodbridge, United States, 9 hours ago

I'd bring the kids down to the station and charge them. If under 12, I'd charge the parents. There is nothing funny about this. Commercial airline pilots have complained it's dangerous. Imagine what a high level laser could do?



Slinky123, Nopetown, United States, 9 hours ago

Joe Bob, apparently not a great one. There were more than 1200 violent or sexual offences there last year in East Bury.

Joe Bob, 很显然,不是什么好地方。去年在东伯里有超过1200起暴力或性侵犯案件。


dunnobouthis, ruralohio, United States, 10 hours ago

This kind of stuff approaches an act of war. Nothing a JDAM or something similar could not resolve.


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