

This year, the U.S. military put countering China, along with Russia, at the center of a new national defense strategy.




stanwynme, perth, Australia, 4 hours ago

Most of American did not loose their jobs to china ,the yanks just don't liked to hard work at all.



AmericanHindu, Dallas, United States, 6 hours ago

Millions of American manufacturing jobs have gone over to China, never to return. They've taken our jobs, now they're attacking and injuring our servicemen, our heroes? How long will we keep giving them a pass?



fedup, twiggie farm, Åland Islands, 1 hour ago

You forgot to mention, they have also overtook our universities and also our healthcare professions. Many doctors and dentists are now Chinese, at least here in WA state. Makes me very very uncomfortable to see so many.



benstanklin, chronic junction, United States, 6 hours ago

my friend by the direction of the great presidr mstafa ali nactum djibouti's flag will soon be changed to include an emblem of a goat eating out of a burning garbage pile



Peaceonearthnow, Beverly, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago

Wine country CA is not complaining



Science guy, gaffney, United States, 7 hours ago

Simple bomb the base. They will not do it again. It's the only thing they understand.



ingero, Philadelphia, United States, 9 hours ago

Maybe 500,000 Iraqis can complain to the US for their loved ones who were killed by the USA.



observerDonald, Here, Comoros, 9 hours ago

Wow some here say bomb them. Most likely children are playing. If anything this is a Djibouti police and civilian issue. Hating China is like the snowflakes hating trump. Sheer exaggeration.



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