
歼20穿上“隐身斗篷”? 中国声称研发超级材料,能使战斗机隐形

Each piece, 80cm long and 60cm wide, is said to be the plated with bronze and would be used as the base material for the Chinese 'super material'.


A layer of special film, which could show some 20,000 patterns once exposed to light, will be added to this base material.


The patterns, as tiny as 0.2 square millimetres, are said to contain thousands of micro-structures invisible to the human eye.

These micro-structures are used to control the properties of metamaterials.


The report didn't mention what type of 'super material' the workers were making, but it claimed that Chinese scientists have developed metamaterials to help develop the country's aviation industry.


A report from Sina, one of China's largest news portals, claimed on March 11 that the lab in question is the State Key Laboratory of Metamaterial Electromagnetic Modulation Technology in Shenzhen, a state-funded lab established in 2011.


The Sina report also suggested that the metamaterials would be used for military purposes.


It also indicated that the invisibility material is likely to be used on J-20 fighter jets because the jet's chief engineer Yang Wei is also a member on the laboratory's academic board.


China's latest J-20 stealth fighter jets were commissioned into military service last year and are operated by the Chinese Air Force.


China's fourth-generation fighter jet, the J-20 made its maiden flight in 2011.


According to a 2017 report from China Central Television Station, the J-20 is capable of carrying multiple types of air-to-air missiles.


It's said to be powered by a made-in-China engine and has similar combat capabilities to those of America's F-22 Raptor.



oscartheone, London, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago

These people saying this in China, they arent working in a cannabis factory or something are they? People who smoke too much of that stuff often talk about that kind of thing



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