

What drives crime by juveniles in India


Raising questions on the belief that children without parents and those living on the streets are more prone to committing crimes, data from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) shows a meagre 3.5% of all juveniles arrested for various crimes in 2016 were homeless.


An analysis of the family background of juveniles arrested in 2016 shows that 38,061 or 86% of the 44,171 minors apprehended lived with their parents, while another 4,550 (10.3%) lived with guardians. Only 1,560 of them were homeless.

一项关于2016年被逮捕的未成年的家庭背景分析报告显示,被逮捕的44171名未成年中,有38061名或86%与父母同住,而 4550 名(10.3%)与监护人一起生活,只有1560名是无家可归的人。

The NCRB data shows that despite a majority of all juveniles arrested being 16 years or more, only 45% of them have completed primary school, but haven't completed high school or Class X. In fact, 12.25% of them are illiterates, while only 9.6% of them have a high school education.




译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/44005.html

Nick Singh-Location-1 day ago
Education doesn''t teach civilization, society does.



Manoharan Thangavelu-Tiruchchirappalli - India-1 day ago
Medias and cinemas can be the only reason



Revres-23 hours ago
Lack of fear of law... corrupt police and non-exstant judiciary is the reason. Our leaders and idols are criminals... we glorify violence, womanising etc in movies. We get bombarded with ads that advocate material pleasure... We have no control on alcohol, tobacco, porn, drugs... everything is available for a price. What else is required to increase crime?





Suraj-23 hours ago
its bad parenting,kids copy what they see their parents do or say



Rajaji Bilove-unknown-1 day ago
Corruption in police , judiciary, and greed of money in lawyers makes the whole thing dirty. Accountabilities



Scl Premi-India-1 day ago
Knowledge of the juveniles that they can go scot free after crime is the basic cause of the trouble.



justified k-Pune-16 hours ago
Lack of ethics and cultural education and producing unwanted children without affordability is one main cause for juvenile crimes.



ANS-Lucknow-17 hours ago
Fact is, marriage and producing babies is not for everyone. Do not marry and produce kids if you cannot handle the responsibility.



Bikash Sahoo-Cuttack-19 hours ago
Fine heavily to the parents and pay to victim as compensation!!



Catindia -Hindustan-19 hours ago
They needs constant care like plants. Once tree is grown becomes hard to bent. Human is suffering because of their own sins. Neither God nor society is responsible.



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