

I hate my own country India. What should I do?



译文来源:Quora中文网 http://quora123.com/170.html


Gopalkrishna Vishwanath, True Indian, who feels at home anywhere in India. Answered Mon

India is too large and diverse for you to have a logical reason to hate the entire country, all the languages, all the people, all the religions, all the customs, all the cultures and the like. If everything about this vast and diverse country, its people is hated by you, then you should look into yourself to find out if anything is wrong with you rather than the entire country.

Gopalkrishna Vishwanath,真正的印度人,在印度的任何地方都感觉像在家。


Sit down coolly think carefully what exactly it is that is making you hate the “country” rather than something specific and limited.
Is it the hot climate? Is it the language and culture of the people around you? Then the solution is simple. Migrate to another part of the country and see if it makes a difference.
If you were born here, remember that this is your motherland.
Don’t hate it. Love it. Serve it.
If you can’t do that, try emigrating to a foreign land if you can make yourself eligible and see how you are treated in any foreign country.





Even if you are willing to submerge your identity and absorb their culture, you will never be truly one of them.
Ask the Muslims of India if they would be willing to migrate to the home of Islam, Saudi Arabia.
Find out if Indian Christians will happy in a European country or in USA even if they speak English well.
Ask the Buddhists if Sri Lanka or other Buddhist majority country will be a better home for them.
If you are a Hindu, or Sikh or a Jain, you have no where else to go if religion is the issue.
If you are a co unist, try Russia or .






If it is the dirt, noise, dust, crowds that put you off, try moving to another part of the country. Try living in a rural area instead of an urban area. If the climate bothers you then there are hot, warm, cool and cold places. We have wet places and dry places. We have forests, deserts, mountains, seas. Take your pick.
If it is Indian politics that is bothering you, then join it and make change if you can. Choose the party that you disapprove of the least or like Kejriwal did, form a new Party.



Whatever your problem, hating your country is not the solution.
If you are still not convinced and are determined to continue hating my country India and are still living here, please do me and all my fellow Indians a favour.
Please don’t join our army and please don’t participate in politics.
I would hate to have my country defended or governed by some one who hates it.




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