

[–]Transnicky 5 points 14 hours ago
Japan was develo at a better rate than most of the west under the Meiji era in a traditionalish way. They went the cheap product route after the devastation of WW2.
The thing is they for the most part at least realized what they need and learn from the west to develop as a nation and how to go about it. India on the other hand still tries to act like somehow we are superior to the west by boasting about our culture /history/ ect......




[–]sparrow13_x 20 points 19 hours ago
The have a solution, but I dont think your gonna like it



[–]JustDoitX 48 points 20 hours ago
It all starts at a young age. We all are fed competitiveness by our parents to be the best in school, highest earner among peers and slowly we become selfish pricks with no sense of community. The idea of "dignity of labour" is a fucking joke in India. We just want the best for ourselves.Period.



[–]olibhel 15 points 19 hours ago
Take pride in your work instead of constantly trying to get to the top. If you deliver pizzas, be the best pizza delivery guy/girl out there.



[–]FleetingFlings 29 points 18 hours ago
The problem is that this job will be looked down upon no matter how good the person does it. There is a lack of respect towards such jobs in general.



[–]iamEvilHead 17 points 18 hours ago*
At around 3am in Shanghai, I was standing by, couldn't see any people or car far far away, and wondering.... why the f*ck that Lamborghini is waiting for that signal to turn green!

Edit: At night, or maybe even during day, each and every vehicle is captured where and when it passed by any road. Noticed while roaming around in city by tax.




[–]tardyontrain 12 points 16 hours ago
Because the driver knows there is a working camera that will take a picture of his license plate if he jumps the light, and he will be slapped with a fine, which he will have to pay.



[–]oldmonkmgm 38 points 22 hours ago
I came back from the US after three years and had a panic attack trying to drive again. I had to drive for 2 months to get my bearing back to drive in India.



[–]bishwa91p 20 points 21 hours ago
I still haven't had the guts to get behind the wheel here and it's been about 7 months. Autos freak the fuck out of me as a driver. Also, op you're right but we need to try and make the effort to make them see the point in changing.



[–]wiredrone 12 points 15 hours ago
Case Study: This no longer happens in Indore.
There's cameras on all major signals, if you as much as park an inch on the zebra crossing, there's gonna be a fine waiting for you. Indore went from one of the worst traffic in India to one of the best in almost a single month. Even places without cameras have become much more civilized after almost 1 year of the camera system. People's habits can change.
This is not a problem of philosophy, it's a problem of execution.




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