


印度农村马路 印度农村马路

vill (9) 牛车

vill (13)

采茶人 采茶人

In many of the mails that I get from the Chinese they express their desire to know more about India. Let me use this blog to compare the countryside of the two nations. One thing that I find strikingly different from the village scene in India is the absence of milch animals. Milk is the main source of nourishment in Indian diet. Milk as it is, curd, butter, ghee, buttermilk or lassi as it is called in India, form main constituents of the Indian meal in the villages. All Indian sweet meats are made using milk or milk products. On the other hand, milk I think is almost totally missing from the diet of the rural Chinese. Even in the cities, I have seen people choosing beans milk over cow’s milk.


只要有能力,家家户户都会养一头牛 只要有能力,家家户户都会养一头牛

vill (4) 自制的奶油

Though yogurts sell in the cities, Chinese prefer some sourish liquid milk product (which is almost same as Indian lassi), over milk. I also don’t see the animals being employed for ploughing, pulling or other menial work. Another thing that I see here in these pictures is that women are doing work which is traditionally done by men in India.


从远处取水 从远处取水

妇女在农田里忙碌着 妇女在农田里忙碌着

vill (18)

头上顶着一捆木柴 头上顶着一捆木柴

vill (22)You will rarely find Indian women pulling a cycle rickshaw or still rarer, driving an auto rickshaw, ferrying things. Indian women in villages, work in the fields, fetch water, tend animals, make dung cakes and look after the kitchen and household work.


vill (20) 粪饼堆,做饭的主要燃料

All work of dealing with men folk viz. taking produce to the market, selling, fetching things from the markets etc. is done by their men. Both the bicycle and the scooter seen in the pictures of the Chinese women have a baby seat attached which makes me presume that the women carry their children along with them to work. Though, I have learnt that one child policy did not apply to the village people, I believe that in the Chinese villages everybody goes out to work in contrast to the Indian villages where the elderly stay at home and take care of the children who don't yet go to school.


绿色的田野 绿色的田野

农民 农民

vill (14) 具有悠久历史的城门和上面的城垛,印度拥有悠久的历史,许多历史遗迹缺乏保护

在中国农村没有看到任何类似的神灵图像,据此我认为中国人大多不信教 在中国农村没有看到任何类似的神灵图像,据此我认为中国人大多不信教

人们在斗鸡 人们在斗鸡

交通工具有限,人们坐在公交车顶上 交通工具有限,人们坐在公交车顶上

墙壁上的壁画 墙壁上的壁画

制陶 制陶

编织披肩 编织披肩

打谷 打谷

vill (6)vill (19)

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