I used to be pro-Ukraine but now I’m coming around to Russia's point of view. This war could be over if Ukraine gave the Donbass to Russia as a buffer zone. Does anyone agree?
Alan Mehew
Prior to 2014, you might have found a few who agreed with your view.
However, now Russia has taken the Donbass region by force, just about everyone outside Putin’s shrinking circle knows that he simply can’t be allowed to succeed. To do so would set an awful precedent.
Out of curiosity, for a moment assuming you are not a Russian troll, what caused you to “come round” to Russia’s point of view?
Brian Cox
It theory it sounds good but will it stop there? Look at Russias history, If Ukraine concedes any ground to Putin will wait a few years then start another land grab. There wasn’t a big fight over Crimea, with that in mind putin started to arm paramilitary militias in Donbass and Luhansk. Creating a civil war which has turned into his excuse for invading Ukraine which should he succeed will end up an invasion on of Moldova and so it goes on. Ukraine has to stop Putin in his tracks. Putin has to learn he doesn’t get to have what he wants by violence. Donbass is nothing more than an excuse don’t be fooled.
Diana Lugova
Ukraine already gave their nukes back to Russia in exchange for security guarantee. It didn’t work well, did it?
Russia doesn’t understand good will or peaceful coexstence, Putin wants to dominate and rule, if not the world then all former Russian Empire lands.
No one threaten Russia. No one! They invented this image of external enemy as collected West who envy Russia’s rich resources and land and are dreaming of getting those resources.
Hans-Ingo Radatz
The war could equally be over if Russia left Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Kaliningrad and began to organise the payment of reparations. Ww might even return to buying their gas and oil then.
Maff Forsyth
Give me your house and I won't beat you to a pulp. You can live in the shed, but i might take that aswell. Don't you agree? Once russia has donbas, they will need the next area as a new buffer since donbas isntt a buffer, its now russia.
Philip Justice
Russia is also upset with the USA sending weapons to Ukraine.I think if the USA gave Russia the state of Alaska that would be fair.
Sambaji Rao
Are you for real?
Would you be willing to give Alaska, which was once part of Russia, back to Russia as a buffer and a way to curb any aggression they have towards the US?
There are international laws. Russia has broken them. Russia needs to retreat from all areas it currently has occupied within the internationally recognized Ukrainian borders.
Remember that the only nations supporting Russia in Ukraine are Iran and North Korea. The mindset of his supporters should you give you a good idea of the mentality of Putin.
Benedict Miller
Ok, let me see if I have the gist of this… if your neighbor raises chickens and steals several swaths of your property from you under the guise that he needed it to protect his chickens and then starts raising chickens in it as well, what stops him from stealing more to protect the new chickens in the area he stole the first time?
Russia stole the areas of Ukraine by moving in Russians so they could actively try to take the land from Ukraine. So, if your buffer idea of Russia taking it to protect Russia and Russians is examined for a moment, you’d realize that Russia filled those areas with Russians and are seeking to annex them outright into Russia, which would mean they too need buffer zones in a never-ending cycle. Why would anyone be stupid enough to think that appeasing them would not just lead to them continuing to do it since that is how they have operated for centuries to begin with? In fact, if you bothered to open a history book, you’d know that was what Hitler did in regard to take this bit of land or country and it will be enough until we need this other bit of land or country. Here is a hint for you, he didn’t stop doing it, he continued doing it until countries fought to stop it.
It's a very complicated answer. With some historical context, one can see both points of view. When the Soviet Union fell in the 90s, there was an agreement that NATO wouldn't move Eastward, but as old satellite states began to become more westernized, it seemed inevitable that it would happen. Russia wants a barrier between the west and their borders. Plain and simple. The west wants to keep Russian influence within their borders, these goals simply do not align, therefore compromise is unlikely, and conflict is deemed necessary.
Let's speculate how the US would respond if suddenly Quebec wanted to become a Russian territory. Democratic elections are held, and despite having public support, the pro-american nominee loses and foul play is apparent as several, Russian political leaders and oligarchal leaders have massive influence in the area, both financially and politically. It is suspected that the elections were tampered with by the US, and the pro American population begs for intervention of any kind.
我们可以合理推测一下,如果魁北克突然想并入俄罗斯,美国会作何反应。魁北克会举行民 主选举,尽管有公众的支持,亲美提名者还是失败了,俄罗斯政治领导人和寡头领导人在该地区有巨大的经济和政治影响力。于是有人怀疑选举受到了美国的干预,而亲美民众则要求任何形式的干预。
This mirrors the events of 2014 in Ukraine. While the country has historically been abused and under subjugation of their Russian neighbor, there are areas (such as Crimea) that support Russian rule. Russians believe Ukraine rightfully belongs to them, but was fine with the independent state being a buffer zone between the west as long as they remain neutral. NATO influence has nonetheless been apparent in the country as elected officials supported by foreign governments. Russia views their actions as justified, NATO views this as aggression. In a way, both are wrong and both are right.
Without western aid, Ukraine would have fallen long ago, however the more support the west provides, the more tense the situation becomes. Time will tell if it becomes worse, but blindly supporting either side is not the answer, as civilians caught in the crossfire are being misplaced and dying everyday. Compromise must be reached, as another world war will be disastrous for everyone. The US hasn't won a war since Korea, and even then, it was a ceasefire. The Cold War is alive and well still. The mutually assured destruction will come in the form of economic sanctions as China has become a massive superpower, militarily and economically.
Basically, it's a shitshow.
Ilya Kuzmin
No, I actually disagree. The war could be over while it was just Civil War (from April 2014 to February 2022), and Ukriane didn’t even have to give Donbas to Russia! Donbas wanted Independence, but back then Russia was trying to reintegrate Donbas back into Ukraine! Putin’s administration was refusing to recognize their Independence, and it changed only after Russian Parliament voted for it in 2022.
If Ukrainian regime would have agree to just talk with Separatists and would give them autonomy like Russia gives autonomy to Russian federal subjects, Donbas would still be part of Ukraine and war would be over.
Anton Korzh
Yea exactly, would Ukraine honor Minsk agreements, they would have only lost 1 region(Crimea) and never had any war.
would they signed peace in March 2022, they would have have lost 3 regions(crimea and donbass and lugansk).
would they sign peace today they would loose 5 regions now.
Next opportunity would be likely last and would be loosing 8 regions, but we will see
Johnathan M. Franks
Really? Then perhaps you should give me half of your estate and properties to buffer a war against you. That sounds like a fair deal doesn't it?
And while you're busy worrying about the fight, I'll take another 8th of your property and annex it in my name.
But let's not stop there… I'll go after your family and their properties also.
Because, after all — I'm just a friendly neighbor looking out for your best interests.
Kenneth Payne
No. Want to understand Russia read “ The Modern World” by Paul Johnson. His history of how Russia got to where is now is one of the best available even though he wrote it in the 80’s. The pattern for Putin and the socio-political State of today explains the invasions not just of Ukraine but the others before it.
As to a “ buffer zone” what a con. Which other sovereign lands with borders to Russia are then going to be required for the same shameless reasoning? With modern armaments and nuclear weapons I think such attempted justifications for a land grab and power play are laughable.
此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 问答 » 我之前是支持乌克兰的,现在我开始认可俄罗斯了,如果乌克兰把顿巴斯作为缓冲区交给俄罗斯,这场战争可能就结束了