


As the city has a lots of lakes, rivers and the hills, it won’t need man to enhance its appeal, but man being an excellent creation of the creator can’t help giving wings to his creativity and when it’s done with reverence to his creator, it glimpses the intangible, the one which is beyond the sense of perception and ability to imagine.

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The city has a famous Guangji Temple, constructed during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It is a very sacred place for the Buddhists. The city has lots of parks and gardens.

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It is a major tourist destination combining entertainment, historical and scenic attractions, such as a zoo, parks, watchtower and pavilion. Some of the scenic spots are, Tianmenshan Mountain, inghu Park and Ma Renqi Mountain.

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The city’s memorabilia include melon seeds, iron paintings and tea. Melon is definitely the most loved fruit in China. It’s a must served fruit at the end of every party or a dinner. It marks the end of the items being served which at times to me seemed endless.

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I remember while, I was once reading the history book to my son when he was in school, we came across a sentence "Even America wanted a share of the Chinese melon."

60年前的芜湖 60年前的芜湖



There must have been some reference to the 'Opium wars' possibly while enumerating the causes that led to the second world war because world history or the Chinese history is not taught in the Indian schools. I searched on the net and found this piece alluding to the share of "Chinese Melon."

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In the 1850s, the United States and the European powers grew increasingly dissatisfied with both the terms of their treaties with China, and the Qing Government's failure to adhere to them. The British forced the issue by attacking the Chinese port cities of Guangzhou and Tianin in the Second Opium War (1857-1858). Under the most-favored-nation clause, all of the foreign powers operating in China were permitted to seek the same concessions of China that Great Britain achieved by force. As a result, France, Russia, and the United States all signed treaties with China at Tianin in quick succession in 1858.

现在的芜湖 现在的芜湖



I don’t know whether it is customary to order too many dishes or the restaurant serves all its preparations or the food is cheap, but the Fúwùyuán (服务员) keep placing dish after dish of the preparation on the turning table where from the food is to be picked from the bowl with your chop sticks as the dish passes by you in its journey round the table. Quite a daunting task for someone who hasn’t ever held chopsticks in his hands before but fright and the prospect of getting up hungry makes you pick the art of picking up with the bamboo sticks fast.

80年代初的芜湖 80年代初的芜湖


The way the food is ordered and is eaten is very different. For us Indians rice or chapatee ( flat bread made from wheat flour) is the main item while the vegetables, lentils and/or non-vegetarian preparations are there to go with them, for the Chinese all preparations of meat, fish and vegetables are had without rice or bread.

80年代末的芜湖 80年代末的芜湖


Wuhu in Late eighties

Towards the end of the meal, lumpy rice or noodles are served (on demand), which you may have if still hungry or have remained hungry because of your inability to pick the food up with the chop sticks or the slippery soup spoon given to you by the sympathetic host after seeing your repeated failed attempts in catching anything with the chop sticks and finally drop the sticks in the bowl in utter disappointment and frustration.

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Travel Tips:

The Yangtze River Bridge is an important transportation link for the city across the Yangtze River. It is also a good place from which to admire the Yangtze River.

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The Phoenix Delicacy Street in downtown is a good choice for travelers when visiting the city. There are many restaurants along the street serving various local delicacies, as well as foreign food.

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Visitors can also find pubs, cafes, teahouses and many other recreational places here.

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