Air pollution in India is killing 100,000 children under five every year, damning study finds
The noxous air hanging over India's towns and cities kills more than 100,000 children under five every year, a damning study published Wednesday for World Environment Day found.
The State of India's Environment (SoE) Report found air pollution is responsible for 12.5 per cent of all deaths in the country - painting a bleak picture of the environmental record of recent Indian governments.
The report showed air pollution kills an average 8.5 out of every 10,000 children in India before they turn five.
The risk is higher for girls with 9.6 out of 10,000 girls dying before five as a result of the high levels of air pollution.
The report put out by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), also found 86 per cent of Indian water bodies were 'critically polluted'. It added the country's progress in renewable energy was 'dismal'.
It is not the first report to paint a dire picture of India's environment. Last year a UN report found 14 of the world's 15 most polluted cities were located in the Asian nation.
Karlos, Liverpool, United Kingdom
1.35 billion people crammed into one country isn't hel either
syb, Anywhere and everywhere, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago
With the profound poverty there why aren't the women and men stop to think of the suffering they are causing by having children..... then again with the Shocking abuse perpetrated by many indian men.....pity the pollution is not leaving them sterile!!
XX HAWK XXXX, planet earth, United States, 15 hours ago
Syb it will make people infertile. That has been proven in other places with high levels of pollution. It also makes the ones born tend to have health issues
COYL, London, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago
And our eco warriors plan to fly drones over Heathrow in the summer!!!!!!! Why don't they go to India?
我们的环保斗士计划夏天遥控无人机飞越希思罗机场!! 他们为什么不去印度?
Mr Thwackem, Angeles City, Philippines, 16 hours ago
That's one way of kee the population down!
Erica, EastofEden, United States, 16 hours ago
Yes, maybe the world will start working in China and India's pollution. It's been an issue for decades.
nicole, London, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago
We may have caused the climate change to date but there is no doubt that the Far East will cause the climate change of tomorrow.
boldlygoingincircles, London, United Kingdom, 15 hours ago
Dont worry Britain will help pay to clean it up ! Just ask our government
别担心,英国会出钱治理污染的! 只管去问我们的政府
wendygirl, Maple Ridge, Canada, 12 hours ago
Clear skies and lots of birth control.
matt, canada, 11 hours ago
How about sanitation malnutrition and poor healthcare?
Jon Nemo, Tumble Llanelli, 15 hours ago
And how many die of Starvation
Trustnobody, Landofthefreeloaders, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago
About the same amount being born every day in India.
kazz05, Adelaide, Australia, 9 hours ago
How about controlling your population
Prunaprismia, Melbourne, Australia, 9 hours ago
As India has a space program, it could be diverting that money into this problem for starters.
Hgcom, Sydney, Australia, 9 hours ago
India is doing nothing to reverse their air pollution or population.
A001002A, Exeter, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
Its fine, its plant food... we dont need to control it, life and death are natural cycles and they would die anyway right...
hayley fay, Seattle , United States, 15 hours ago
This is crazy
Spreaddy, Bangalore, India, 2 hours ago
Per-capita US is the biggest polluter in the world
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