


Going anonymous, because I choose to.

I am a 30 year old unmarried woman living in India. I had a recurring high fever since the past two weeks and decided to go to the doctor. We went to a lady doctor who was new to the locality. So after asking me a few question on my symptoms and checking my pulse and heart beat she took out her notepad to write down a few diagnostic tests as she suspected it was Typhoid. Then came the point where she asked me my name and age. She was taken by surprise when I told her I was 30. She said you look so young for 30. It did not end there. She asked me if I was married and looked quite surprised when I told her I wasn’t. This is what is wrong with the Indian society. The assumption that a girl should be married and have kids before 30.


我是一个30岁的未婚女性,住在印度。从过去两周开始我就反复发高烧,我决定去看医生。我们去看了一位新来的女医生。在询问了几个我的症状问题,检查了我的脉搏和心跳后,她拿出笔记本写下了一些诊断测试,因为她怀疑那是伤寒。然后她问了我的名字和年龄。当我告诉她我30岁时,她大吃一惊。她说你这个 年纪看起来那么年轻。但这并没有就此结束。她问我是否结婚了,当我告诉她我没有结婚时,她显得很惊讶。这就是印度社会的问题所在。女孩就应该在30岁之前结婚生子。

A little bit of personal history about me - I have dyslexa and stammer since the age of 2. Thought the stammer has vanished completely in my adulthood, the ghosts of the past- humiliations and difficulties faced loom over me- now this is completely individualistic and personal . People who meet me cannot believe this genetic condition of Mine ( yes stammering, is a genetic flaw to the left side of the brain having damaged cells while the baby is still inside the womb of the mother, just another evolutionary typo/ error ;) ) . They say you are perfect, normal, confident, mentally strong etc. But in my growing years the amount of humiliation and isolation I faced as a child and teenager (shudder) is so horrible that it still haunts me. Being attractive, I got and still get a lot of Male attention and it was more like I got a lot of unwanted attention Coz I was the pretty face, but sadly I stammered.

Now these things haunt me and I am reluctant to go the arranged marriage way Coz I felt it’s more of a business dealing in my community than a human touch to it. So I am just waiting for the right person.



Now why should I go around explaining this to people ? The more you reveal and explain about urself to people it leads to more questions, more gossip, more intrusion into privacy and ridiculous senseless advices!

This is what is Wrong with the Indian society. We don’t know how to live and let live. “To each his own” doesn’t hold good to India.




Yashwant Kumar, Learning about India, since 1990

Playing Victim and misusing the rights given by the constitution.



Here is the story of a Mumbai woman who attacked the security guard and also stripped in front of police, after a heated argument with them.

Megha Sharma is a Mumbai based model, who lives in a flat in Andheri. Late in the night on 25th October 2018, she bugged the security guard of the apartment complex to bring her some smokes. Upon rejection by the guard, she came downstairs and started abusing the guard. Unable to control her anger, she physically attacked him.

She, later, called the police and informed them with a twisted story. She made a claim of being attacked by the guard. The police arrived and sensed something fishy. They asked her to come to the police station, to which she denied.


Megha Sharma是一位来自孟买的模特,住在Andheri的一套公寓里。2018年10月25日深夜,她让公寓大楼的保安人员给她带一些烟。被保安拒绝后,她下楼开始辱骂保安。由于无法控制自己的愤怒,她对保安进行了身体攻击。


The police and the model had a heated argument. Unable to control her anger, she started abusing the police and even attacked an another guard of the apartment. She even stripped her clothes off, in front of the police, which was recorded. The recording went viral in no time.

Unable to control the woman, the police left the place, taking the security guard into their custody. Meanwhile, the model made a tweet and made claims of being physically assaulted by the police and guards.



The tweet gained huge attention from the twitter users. Without trying to know the authenticity of the tweet, many users on the Social Media platform came to her support. The police faced the heat.

After 2 days, the CCTV footage of the apartment was released by the police, in which the woman attacked the security guard first, contrary to what she claimed earlier.

Now, she started blaming the Mumbai police, accusing them for not releasing the full video.

The security guard didn’t mishandle her. However, the Mumbai Police made a mistake by trying to take her to the Police Station, without being accompanied by the Women police. But, the act of Megha Sharma is not at all agreeable. She made false accusations on the security guards, abused and physically attacked them, used abusive language on the Police, and stripped her clothes off, blaming the police for her act.




保安人员没有欺负她。然而,孟买警方犯了一个错误,在没有女警察陪同的情况下,试图把她带到警察局。但是,Megha Sharma的行为一点也不讨人喜欢。她对保安人员进行了虚假指控,对他们进行了虐待和人身攻击,对警察使用了侮辱性语言,还脱光自己的衣服,指责是警察动的手。

This incident reminds me the infamous Jasleen Kaur incident, who made false accusations and spoil the life of an innocent person.

The Constitution of India had provided us with the fundamental right. Women and some deprived sections have some additional rights, to lift them from their position. Not everytime these rights are being used in a right way, sometimes these rights have been misused.

It’s time to review such constitutional acts.





Divya Barathi, lives in India

Recently I had travelled to my neighbouring state to attend a friend’s wedding. While returning, I was waiting at the railway station along with my friend as our train got delayed.

An elderly man, with sophisticated looks introduced himself and striked a conversation with us.

He was a well educated person who was very fluent in many Indian languages. He asked us where we are from and spoke to us in our respective languages.

He then started bragging about his daughter,grandchildren etc and how open minded his family is when it comes to so many things.

Then out of nowhere, the conversation took an unexpected turn;






He suddenly listed all the possible castes exsting in my state and asked me which one of those do I belong to!

I was so perplexed that I didn't know how to answer that!

I live in a circle that even though has underlying caste issues, would never openly ask someone their caste, leave alone someone you’ve just met!

This person who was just bragging about his open mindedness and the education level of his family didn’t even consider for a minute how inappropriate it is to ask someone’s caste.

What was more baffling was that he used to work for the UN!

I don't know how many more years will it take before these people finally realise the absurdity behind their obsession with castes!








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