

Huge blow to Islamabad's NSG ambitions, as US sanctions 7 Pakistani firms for nuclear proliferation


NEW DELHI: The US has imposed sanctions on seven Pakistani companies for nuclear proliferation, dealing a significant blow to Islamabad's hopes of becoming a member of the elite Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), reported Pakistani media.




This US move comes within a month of terror financing watchdog, the Financial Action Task Force, deciding to put Pakistan on its watchlist + in June this year.


Together, both developments have dealt a body blow to Pakistan, which seeks equivalence with India which already has many nations supporting its bid to be a member of the NSG. In fact, India is already a member of the Australia Group, the Missile Technology Control Regime, and the Wassenaar Arrangement; membership to these entities is generally seen as precursor to being given NSG entry.

这两个事态发展一起对巴基斯坦造成了沉重的打击,巴基斯坦寻求与印度的对等,而印度已经有许多国家支持其申办加入核供应国集团。 事实上,印度已经是澳大利亚集团,导弹及其技术控制制度和瓦圣纳协定的成员;加入核供应国集团的前提一般是先成为这些组织的成员。

The elite NSG's raison d'être is preventing nuclear proliferation. Being put on a US list of entities that engage in nuclear proliferation is considered the "highest level of red-flag" to the US's mission to prevent the misuse or repurposing of American nuclear technology. And with the increasing belligerence of North Korea drawing attention to long-held speculation that Pakistan helped the rogue nation's nuclear programme, things aren't looking very good for Islamabad's NSG ambitions.

核供应国集团的存在理由是防止核扩散。 被美国列入核扩散名单的组织会被列为是美国阻止误用或再利用美核技术任务中的“最危险组织”。随着朝鲜的日益好战,长期以来巴基斯坦帮助这个*氓国家参与核计划的猜测引起了人们的关注,ysl堡加入核供应国集团的雄心壮志看起来不会太好。

The seven Pakistani companies the US has sanctioned are "reasonably believed to be involved, or ...pose a significant risk of being or becoming involved, in activities contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States", said the US Bureau of Industry and Security, which added a total of 23 companies to a list of such entities, reported Dawn.

美国制裁的这7家巴基斯坦公司,“相信是参与了或……造成或涉入了违背美国国家安全或外交政策利益的活动中” 美国商务部工业安全局说道,据黎明新闻报道,共有23家公司被列入此类名单。

"The move forms a series of decisions aimed at putting a squeeze on Pakistan," wrote Dawn, referring no doubt to the US freezing $2 billion in security assistance to Pakistan in January, as well as a $33 million freeze on financial assistance to Pakistan in this month's draft spending bill in the US.


Of the seven Pakistani companies, three are listed for "their involvement in the proliferation of unsafeguarded nuclear activities that are contrary to the national security and/or foreign policy interests of the United States", reported The Express Tribune.


Two were found procuring supplies for nuclear-related entities already on the list, and two others are suspected to be fronts for already-listed entities," the Tribune added.

These seven companies have been sanctioned over and above seven others associated with Pakistan's missile programme. Those were sanctioned in December 2016 also by the US department of commerce and also for "acting contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the US."



Dean M


Dean-traveller-1 day ago

it this trend continues Pakistanis will be forced to survive eating grass!!! India will make Pakistan Best grass!!!




Anthony Morais


Anthony Morais-1 day ago

Definitely a nail in the coffin of Pak''s chances of NSG membership. India cannot celebrate too much because Pak will move closer to and the latter will find some other excuse to block India''s aspirations of NSG membership.

这绝对是巴基斯坦加入核供应国集团的一大障碍。 但印度别高兴过头了,巴基斯坦将向靠拢,然后找到一些其他借口来阻止印度加入核供应国集团。


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