soarhigh - Mumbai - 5 days ago
What happened in the past was a part of history and reflected the complexties of that era in Maharashtra ! What''s happening in the present is opportunism and gondaism !!过去发生过什么都是历史的一部分了。它反射了马哈拉施特拉邦那段复杂的时期。现在的机会主义者又是怎么一回事?
28赞 1踩
Vadamallai Sreenivasan
Vadamallai Sreenivasan - 5 days ago
Congress mukt bharat is the answer. ....idiots looting India国大党是答案。傻子正在抢劫印度。
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Vadamallai Sreenivasan - 5 days ago
Please keep politic out.请不要什么都扯上政治。
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Hiren Mamaniya
Hiren Mamaniya - 5 days ago
Gulams celebrating Britisher''s victory.... shameless...wake up...Hindus be aware Congress is trying hard for Divide and rule...stay UnitedGulams人庆祝大英帝国的胜利。。。无耻。醒来吧印度人。国大党正在努力分裂国家。
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gaurav - 5 days ago
celebrating british victory hundreds of yrs back. how jobless can u get?
feel sad for our country . while the rest of the world races ahead庆祝数百年前大英帝国的胜利。对解决失业问题有多大帮助?当世界其它国家都在竞争向前时,真为我们的国家感到悲哀。
24赞 7 踩
Mort Walker
gaurav - inde - 5 days ago
India in GRAVE DANGER with MANY TRAITORS WITHIN. AND WITHOUT ( CHINA , TERRORISTAN and Lanka.)由于大量的卖国贼,内部的和外部的,印度正处于重度危险中。(、巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡。)
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Yashpal Singh
gaurav - 5 days ago
commenting without reading the illiterate you can get?没看文章内容就评论,你就是个文盲。
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Unknown - 5 days ago
BJP, you have tried testing wrong community this time. You will pay price in next election for devide and rule politics人民党,这次你进行了错误的尝试,会在下次选举时为分裂政治付出代价。
23赞 38踩
Singh is King
Singh Is King - Delhi - 5 days ago
RSS and BJp tries to stop the event illegally yesterday. Modern day Peshwas are trying to bring in caste system again.RSS(印度教国民志愿服务团,莫迪老仙出身的组织)和人民党(莫迪老仙所属的党)尝试停止这一非法事件。Peshwas企图将种姓制度带入今天的现代社会。
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Kk - Mumbai - 5 days ago
Congress must be behind this clash.Congress-mukt Bharat is the only solution.必然是国大党在背后操纵。
19赞 7 踩
MP Singh
Mp Singh - Mumbai - 5 days ago
This is the result of divisive politics played by Modi. He thinks it will be limited to Joint Hindus vs Muslims? But it will never be as Hindus are divided into multiple groups and now everyone wants their identity.这就是莫迪玩弄分裂政治的结果。他认为这只会局限于团结印度人对付MSL?但是印度人被前所未有地分成不同组别,现在所有人都在寻求对自己身份的认同。
19赞 26 踩
Mort Walker
MP Singh - inde - 5 days ago
Dalits have the mindset of Africans. Africans still complain today that the Europeans looted them. Africans themselves - Mugabe , Zuma and African Drs are WORSE THAN EUROPEANS and looting Africa. Idi Amin was a cannibal !!!!达利特贱民有着非洲人的思维模式。非洲人今天仍然在抱怨欧洲人掠夺了他们。非洲人自己,穆加贝,祖玛和非洲独才者们比欧洲人更糟糕并且掠夺非洲。阿明是个食人者!
5赞 2 踩
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