

Nitin B - 5 days ago
Please keep the tempers cool.



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Nitin B - Re.public - 5 days ago
Communal wars and murders always favored Modi only. He is doing communalism pan india basis, looking at the 2019 elections

1赞 0踩


Nitin B - Mumbai - 5 days ago
BJP government running in maharashtra....and they are failed so now blame congress?

1赞 1 踩



Kuldeep Sharma
Kuldeep Sharma - Nadiad - 5 days ago
Bloody congress cannot see the development of state. They are trying caste based politics which they learned work well in gujarat will work in maharastra too.. PPl should understand why this is happening in bjp ruled state only... simple logic only for congress to benefited.

123赞 65 踩


Kuldeep Sharma - Mumbai - 5 days ago
hu where is congress? open your eyes bhakt.

9赞 8 踩


God is Not Great
unni - Location - 5 days ago
congress got its wng formula .. casetes , clash of castes , blood of commoners vote for congress
log leave castes , long leave congress , hell to Vikash

3赞 1踩


High on dope
High on dope - London - 5 days ago
Dalits should stop blaming Upper castes for their ill-state and rather focus on improving their humane skills and do away with reliance on reservations, freebiews and alms from Govt. Despite several lakhs of Crores spent on Dalitsna dafter several decades, the future generations of Dalits are born just as stupid without any improvement. They should stop being influenced by Porkis and enhance their patriotic spirit for their good. Provoking the majority community is going to be a disaster like it has happened to local Porkis.

79赞 26 踩


Aami Das
Aami Das - 5 days ago
Time for BJP to reap the rewards of division of society. Congratulations to BJP for their success in dividing us ... Jai Hind

68赞 134踩


Maddy ?TitansRHere?
Maddy ?TitansRHere? - 5 days ago
Dalits are soon to be non exstent Hindus. Islamic Converting Brigade and Islamic Propogandist is already counting Dalits as Muslims. Everyone can see whats coming except Dalit Brothers. Break Hindu...#IslamicNationalCongress agenda.

58赞 28 踩


Amit Yadav
Amit Yadav - 5 days ago
Caste need to be abolished from india
Mody one day should declare that from tomorrow no one will write caste surname in his name..
All castes are abolished from today midnight..
Strict punishment if someone read write or say his caste..
May my dream come true for making India great again..
Jai hind

53赞 5 踩


Nilesh Jobanputra
Nilesh Jobanputra - 5 days ago
Hindu-Muslim didn''t work for CONgress so now they are trying to use the age old technique of divide and rule between castes... All muslim votes go to congress and if Hindus are divided than CONgress will only benefit. First they tried in Gujarat and now in Maharashtra... Let the development take the front seat and not the caste system....
BTW in this war it was the British that won and Indians lost... do we have any shame that we are fighting on non-issue... Britishers would be laughing at us for these incidents and thinking we can rule this country again with their own country-men support...
God save my Country from these CONgeeeees

52赞 21 踩


Nandakumar Naidu
Nandakumar - 5 days ago
Very shame less people that celebrating British victory in India. In the name of celebration these people behave very arrogancy on the roads of Koregaon Bhima on Pune Ahemd Nagar Highway. This is true. This must be stopped and those who responsible for damaging public and private property and vechiles must be put in to jail without bail.

我们印度人多么不知羞耻啊。庆祝一场大英帝国对印度战争的胜利。打着庆祝的名义,人们在浦那-艾哈迈德巴德高速的Koregaon Bhima路的行为非常傲慢。这是真的。这些必须被停止,必须有人对造成的公共财产和私人财产损失还有砸毁的汽车负责。责任人必须被投进监狱并不得保释。
45赞 10 踩


Selene Nixon
Selene Nixon - New Delhi - 5 days ago
shame on the people celebrating British victory!! it''s disgusting

41赞 8 踩


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