TheAtheist Naresh Y - 5 days ago
Dalits are the natives of india, but these people are also hijdas who don''t have the bal|s to confront the aryan rape products - their brahmin masters. When denied justice, Muslims blow up rioters, Sikhs slaughter RSS rapists in parks, but what do these Hijda dalits do? Nothing! They protest for a day and then go back to licking Brahmin behind. These eunuchs will continue sending their wives to get virginized by brahmins, their daughters to brahims to become Devdasis and their sons to clean Brahmin toilets. These faggots would much rather commit suicide than fight for justice. I am absolutely done supporting these MENTALLY low grade people.To dalits, just ask any Brahmin if they would let their daughter marry your son, and watch their head explode. Ask RSS how many dalit leaders they have had (Hint: Zero. All have been brahmins except 1). This is YOUR country. You are the natives of the land, who were slaughtered, raped and enslaved by these invading aryans. Convert back to Buddhism or to Christianity, you deserve better. A religion of the brahmin, by the brahmin, for the brahmin - Hinduism - was imposed upon your ancestors and now its time for you to break the chains and leave this f|lth. If you think I''m lying, go read Dr. Ambedkar''s words or Manusmriti which says a brahmin who murders a sudra, can go scot free if he merely sacrificed a frog OR a crow, but sudras must die even for frivolous reasons like touching a brahmin girl''s hair.
Remember that the Brahmin population comprises less than 5% of the total population of India, yet they control all the establishments. They have an almost exclusive monopoly when it comes to top government jobs. RSS is owned by Brahmins and so is Congress.
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hamzaji Ali
Nitin B - 5 days ago
Go and tell this equality to the Brahmins in RSS.去吧,教导那些RSS(印度教国民志愿服务团)里的那些婆罗门们你所说的这些平等。
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Nitin B - Pune - 5 days ago
I''m from Pune. This has nothing to do with Congis or any other mainstream political party. Stop making up stories.我来自浦那。在这里国大党和其它主流党派什么都没做,别在这编故事了。(这条是回复前面评论说是国大党在背后捣鬼的评论。)
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Selene Nixon
Nitin B - New Delhi - 5 days ago
you forgot to mention bjp/sp/bsp and every other party你忘了提到BJP(印度人民党)/SP/BSP等其它党派了。
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Mort Walker
Nitin B - inde - 5 days ago
Lallu jail. Pappu fail.拉鲁(国大党领导人拉胡尔)进监狱。小狗(也是指拉胡尔甘地)失败。
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Mohan Tvm Nitin B - tvm - 5 days ago
Maharashtra election is 2 years away. Politics started early马哈拉施特拉邦的选举还有2年呢,政治争斗开始得太早了。
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Avinash tripathi
Amit Shah - Noida - 5 days ago
And who have given you this information? It seems either you have bad intentions or being paid to spread hatred... I am going to lodge complaint against you if I see one more such response on this portal from your side...谁给了你这些信息?看起来你另有图谋并且要散播仇恨。我要是再看见你发表这些言论我就举报你。(这篇是回复前面达利特贱民在印度受侮辱那篇评论。)
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Nissar Shaikh
Nitin B - mumbai - 5 days ago
world nows which party is communal dear dont hide现在,有哪个政党是属于普通老百姓的?亲爱的,别隐藏了。
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Abhishiek Ghosh
Nissar Shaikh - 5 days ago
In vaders should go back to mecca and Vatican peaceful. We are not secular . We are communal. Are Vatican and mecca secular ???侵略者应该和平地回到麦加和梵蒂冈。我们不是世俗的。我们是公民的。梵蒂冈和麦加是世俗的吗?
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Amit Shah
Abhishiek Ghosh - 5 days ago
Why the heck did you comment about Vatican? Get you head out ur Ars% H$le你的评论里提到梵蒂冈是什么鬼?
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pankaj sharma
Nitin B - Mumbai - 5 days ago
Open your eyes and brain blind bhakt. Read the article again. It says right wing parties. Oh your IQ is too low to understand that睁开你的眼睛,用用你的脑子吧,印度教狂热信徒们。再读一遍这篇文章。已经说了是右翼政党了。你们的IQ不足以理解这些。
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minutha karkera
pankaj sharma - 5 days ago
U open your eyes Jignesh mewani and Khalid both where present in Pune they are responsible always blame hindus还是你睁开眼睛吧。Jignesh mewani和Khalid同时出现在了浦那。他们的职责就是指责印度教。
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Lachhman Bhatia
Nitin B - Dekhu - 5 days ago
India''s history tells us that
the nation had become
weak and was unable to
stop the foreign marauders,
when we were divided
and thought in terms of
caste first. But we are
an independent nation
now and it is nationalism
that must reign supreme.印度的历史告诉我们,当我们分裂并且只优先考虑自己的种姓的时候,我们的国家就会变弱并且无法阻止侵略者的进攻。但是,现在我们是一个独立的国家,并且爱国主义必须被置于最高统治地位。
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