






I clicked till my camera and phone battery ran out. When the boy and the girl sat on the dais after Jaimala ceremony , with their parents sitting/standing with folded hands to greet the guests, there was long queue of distinguished people form all walks of life.




On the stage- Arun Jiatley, his wife and daughter, my uncle and aunt and many more.

在婚礼舞台上-Arun Jiatley和他妻子女儿,我叔叔婶婶和其他许多人

After dinner, well past midnight and finding the queue of those lined up to greet and more importantly to be seen, noticed and counted not showing any signs of ending, I got on the stage and asked my visibly harassed and tired aunt what was the time for departure of "doli", because we thought we will wait till then, she quipped in a tone mixed with peeve and uncertainty that she had no idea and asked us to go to the hotel if we wanted to.

晚宴后,已过午夜,发现人们列队致意,更重要的是我看见,注意和发觉这里没有任何要结束的迹象。我上台问我那显然心烦疲惫的婶婶什么时候 "doli"会离开,因为我们觉得我们应等到那时再走,她用焦躁和不确定的语气调侃道她也不知道并表示如果我们想走的话我们可以回饭店。

But we found that we couldn't leave then because all roads were sealed because the PM and the President were coming to bless the couple and they were on their way. So we waited for another hour or so and when finally we came out of the gate, we found ourselves literally in a sea of celebrities who were being dropped and those who had come out like us and were waiting for their vehicles to come.  It was taking a long time because for the reasons of security the parking arrangements were made faraway and the roads were chock-o-block with high end cars. We enjoyed our moments of celebrity status too as the car assigned to us took time to arrive.

但是我们发现我们无法离开,道路被封锁了,印度总理和总统要来祝福新婚夫妇,他们正在路上。我 们又等了一个小时左右才走出大门,在门外,我发现我们实际上掉入了名人堆里,他们有的刚被送到,有的和我们一样等接送的汽车。出于安全原因停车被安排得很 远,道路上又挤满了高级轿车,因此等车花了很长的时间。由于派给我们的车要花些时间才能来,所以我们也很享受作为名人的时刻。

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