

Anand ()

they should convert and the leave my country immediately


Juergen Dittwald (Germany) replies to Anand

it's "your" county..."kingdom"?


SMHA (PUNE) replies to Anand

Your country, what sacrifice you have given to country. let people know.


Sanghi Bajrangi (snakepur) replies to Anand

your country. did you get the country as dowry from your father in law?


rajendra bongale (Unknown)

let them become slaves of Christianity................


Completely Hindustan () replies to rajendra bongale

Where ever there are Christians there is hope, progress , education, future, hospitals , schools , old age homes ,,,PEACE

哪里有基督教,哪里就有希望、进步、教育、前途、医院、学校、养老院, 和平

S P R (Bangalore) replies to lancy

Not really....if that was the case World War I, World War II should not have happened.....The Allied and Axs forces both regard themselves as chrisitians. The british who attacked India were christians too....There might have been peace in Britan but not in their colonies. In fact, they have killed more than the islamists


The Man Who (United Arab Emirates) replies to rajendra bongale

oh really, what about being ridiculed on the basis of caste, sex, dowry, rape, honor killing, child marriage, aborting the girl child...Bongale BOSS DK....grow up..dont be an educated moron


rajendra bongale replies to The Man Who

baseless and foolish argument.



The basic idea of a certain caste getting undue benefits was very wrong. FairPlay has been wiped out.


Jay K (Canada) replies to MUNISH ANAND

Fair play? Do you think our leaders get elected because of a fair play? Just today - government decided to legalize colonies in Delhi, based on 2014 - What is that? Date changed from 2002 to 2014 --- When one writes about fair play, have to see everything. So many politician enriched themselves. Government contracts given to those who pay better kick back - is that a fair play? Duplicate voter registration - fair play? Corruption in almost everywhere - fair play? Gap between rich and poor at record high and rising - fair play? Who has a better tax advantage - rich or a poor? The person who drives a car thinks pedestrian has no right to walk on the road side - fair play? Are their jobs / necessary training for such poor people - the kind of job which feed a family - fair play? Elected leaders, have a basic responsibility to ensure jobs, food, shelter .... is it around? These people are not against working hard - rather there are little opportunity for them, and the this backward class stigma .. Munish - moving forward together keeps everyone happy at the most basic level

办事公正?你认为我们的领袖被选上去是因为办事公正吗?刚好是今天,政府决定让德里的许多聚居地(注:大多指非法占地的贫民窟,可拉到大量选票)合法化,以2014年(已住入)为准,那是什么?(住入)日期从2002年改到2014年 -- 当有人写什么办事公正,要看到所有事情。那么多政客自己捞钱发财。政府的合同给那些回扣返得多的人 - 这是办事公正吗?复制选民登记 - 办事公正?几乎到处是腐败 - 办事公正?贫富差距高创纪录並且还在加大 - 办事公正?谁在税务上更有利 - 富人还是穷人?开小车的人认为行人没有权利在路边走 - 办事公正?有工作吗/给这样的穷人必要的培训 - 那种养家糊口的工作 - 办事公正?选出来的领袖有一项基本责任,保证就业是食物、住处…存在吗?这些人不反对辛苦工作 - 而是他们没什么机会,並且这个落后阶层的耻辱…

How2SpotTraitors (jk)

US $145 Billion are spent annually for missionary activities. And every year, churches around the world perform US $1.1 billion worth of research in 3,000 languages, covering 180 religious topics for conversion purposes. Missionary literature in today's libraries number 175,000 different titles in 500 languages, increasing by 4 newly published every day.


Mohammed Zameeruddin

Why SC certificate, why not Brahmin Certificate and make them directly a priest of the temple ? are you ready ?


Ashok (Kochi) replies to Mohammed Zameeruddin

why would SC want to be Bramins?


zameer replies to Ashok

Empower them and make the equal in society, why degrading your own people in the name of religion ?


Ashok replies to zameer

so declaring SC as Bramin is going to give them equality. rather we can make Bramins as SC. I am not a castist but when you speak of equality you think of it as its just like a flick of a magic wand. The reality is the caste Hindus and Bhramins did not allow Sudras to get educated and treated them as less then Humans for over 1000S of years. This injustice and the mentality of being sub human is imprinted in the Sudras. If this has to change, the current system of reservation should continue as long all the SC/ST are ecunomically, culturally accepted in the society. when that day comes automatically the descrimination goes off



b culas (Tiruchendur India) replies to Pradeep Baliga

emove caste based reservations. and this will all disappear


Pradeep Baliga replies to b culas

No political party dares to stretch its neck in this messy thing...


三泰虎原创译文,禁止转载!:首页 > 印度 » 【评论多】丹格人警告:给发预留种姓证书,否则15万人将转入基督教

