


来源:三泰虎论坛 http://www.santaihu.cn


Bengal, Bihar home to most homeless

孟加拉邦、比哈尔邦 - 大多数无家可归者之乡

NEW DELHI: As many as 4.3 crore families in rural India do not have a house, with West Bengal leading the table followed by Bihar in yet another evidence of the eastern region's backwardness.


Bengal has as many as 35 lakh houseless families while Bihar has 34 lakh. Madhya Pradesh occupies the third slot with 32 lakh houseless families. Uttar Pradesh, the country's most populous state, has 25 lakh families without houses.


The data on "house-lessness" flows from the ongoing Socio-Economic Caste Census which is tasked with map poverty indicators in rural India to better target welfare schemes.


The SECC data of 4.3 crore houseless families tallies with the Planning Commission's estimate of 4 crore for the 12th plan period calculated on the basis of 2001 census as well as Census 2011.


A rural household is considered without shelter if it doesn't have a house or lives in a one-room or two-room house that has "kutchha walls and roof". Evidently, the states dominating the negative list are those with less urbanization and high poverty.


Other deprived states are Odisha, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra.


As many as 2.5 crore households have houses with one-room of 'kuchcha roof and walls' while 1.8 crore have two-room dwellings of 'kuchcha roof and walls'.


Interestingly, while the number of those without any kind of shelter is very less across states, those with 'kuchcha roof and wall' houses is very high, indicating the massive presence of jhuggis or huts. Like, Andhra has just 21,119 families living under open skies while Bengal has a meagre 4,182 and Bihar has 3,368 who are on the roads.


Calculating that roughly 20% houseless would not approach the government for a shelter, the rural development ministry has set itself a target of providing 3.20 crore families with a shelter under the rural housing scheme. The Indira Awas Yojana is set to be revamped as a housing mission with the target of "pucca houses for all" by 2022 - the 75th year of independence.

计算大概有20%的无房户不会向政府要房,乡村发展部给自己定了个目标,在乡村住房规划下向3,200万户家庭提供住房。已经定下,把The Indira Awas Yojana(印度政府农村住房福利计划,始于1985年)改组成'住房使命',其目标是到2022年 - 独立75周年时,实现'人人有永久性住房'。

Sources said finances are a big challenge given the economic slump in the last few years. While states have increased their capacity to provide houses, the budget for rural housing will have to increase manifold to achieve the goal of providing pucca shelter to all rural families.



来源:三泰虎论坛 http://www.santaihu.cn/thread-9056-1-1.html

Komatineni Komatineni

but am sure they ahve mobile phones and all kind of 'wants'..



Not unexpected!



For cheap media publicity the ruling politicians often make big promises of various things for the public. But if the politicians really want to do something for the weaker sections then they should provide them housing and food.


harackchandjainb Bafna

up bengal and bihar have become new scamsters and terrorist dens


ash punt•12165• •Unknown•3 hours ago

they live in huts but have flat panel tv , satelite , friges , motorbikes , smartphones !!



In hot country like India, does a one-room - with -brick -walls and -concrete- roof represent an improvement in rural India? A mud-wall house with thatched roof will be cool relatively. Besides, we have the tradition of slee out-doors under the sky in summer, anyway, even people living in posh bungalows in cities like Delhi. In short, the report is very confusing except for the fact that only a very small percentage of people have no roof over their heads, the very definition of 'homeless' in the west were sever weather conditions could lead to death by freezing or extreme cold temperatures among the 'homeless." True we must try to give adequate housing withe running water and sewage connection to every citizen in the land. Whether thatched roof is good or bad is a separate discussion.

在象印度这样炎热的国家,一个砖墙水泥顶的单间代表印度农村一项改善吗?一所土墙茅草顶的房子还相对凉快些。另外 ,再怎么说,我们有夏天睡在外的传统,哪怕是住在象德里这种城市的豪宅里。长话短说,除了有很小百分比的人顶无片瓦这个事实外,这报告很让人迷糊,西方无家可归的定义是在冰冻或极低温度下,恶劣气候可能导至无家可归者中有人死亡。我们必须努力给这片土地上的每个人适当的住所、清洁的自来水和下水道,这是对的。泥巴墙茅草顶是好是坏,另当别论。

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